[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:03:15]While the family enjoy their honey at a safe distance, 隔着安全距离 这对母子开心享用蜂蜜 [00:06:34]the bees appear to have been defeated. 蜜蜂似乎吃了败仗 [00:17:08]Their home has been destroyed 它们的家园被毁 [00:19:06]and their young will inevitably die out in the open. 幼蜂免不了会死在外头 [00:22:41]Yet the colony is not doomed 但蜂群的气数未尽 [00:25:09]because the workers are now rescuing at least some of what really matters... 因为工蜂正在拼命 至少救出一些重要物资 [00:34:46]..their honey. 它们的蜂蜜 [00:35:07]Each survivor is able to eat its own weight in honey, 每个幸存者都能吞下 和自己体重相当的蜂蜜 [00:38:33]storing it in its stomach. 贮存在肚子里 [00:47:19]They will have to abandon their dying young, 它们将被迫抛弃奄奄一息的幼蜂 [00:49:55]but they will take much of their precious honey with them 但它们会带着不少宝贵的蜂蜜 [00:52:22]to sustain themselves while they build a new colony. 在建立新蜂群时赖以维生 [00:59:36]Working together in such an organised society 在这样组织严明的社会通力合作 [01:03:11]is the insects' great innovation. 是昆虫的伟大创举 [01:07:27]So how did it begin? 那这是怎么开始的呢