[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:01]At last, the young become big enough to fend for themselves. 小赤椿象终于长大 可以照顾自己了 [00:05:43]But their success has come at a cost. 但它们的成功是有代价的 [00:09:32]The mother has worked herself to death. 它们的母亲已经累死了 [00:12:58]And now her body 现在母亲的身体成了 儿女离家前的 [00:15:27]has become their last meal before they leave home. 最后一餐 [00:19:54]Looking after the young in such a way 像这样照顾儿女 [00:23:47]is thought to be the first step towards living in a community. 被视为迈向社群生活的第一步 [00:33:38]But some insects benefit from doing the opposite of collaborating. 但有些昆虫想要甜头 就是打死也不合作 [00:39:46]They kill one another. 它们互相残杀 [00:44:09]Dawson's bee is one of the largest in the world. 道森氏掘穴蜂 体型堪称蜂中之最 [00:50:02]It nests in the baked soil of the Australian outback. 它们在澳洲内地 干硬的土壤里筑巢 [00:54:25]Flowers are rare in thisdesert, so colonies of these bees 这片沙漠很少看见花朵 因此这种蜂的蜂群 [00:57:55]are few and far between. 数量稀少,相隔遥远 [00:59:26]The bees excavate tunnels fortheir young. 掘穴蜂为幼蜂挖掘地道