[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:17]The ants cultivate dozens of these fungus gardens throughout the colony. 蚂蚁在整个蚁群里 栽种了几十个这种霉菌园 [00:08:56]This is what they eat. 这是它们赖以维生的食物 [00:12:16]The system is so efficient 这个系统很有效率 [00:14:10]that a single colony can have five million members. 光是一个蚁群 就能养活五百万个成员 [00:19:20]But the fungus is also dangerous. 但霉菌也很危险 [00:25:58]As it grows it releases carbon dioxide that could asphyxiate the entire colony. 霉菌生长时会释放二氧化碳 可能害整个蚁群窒息而亡 [00:33:02]The ants' way of dealing with this danger is ingenious. 蚂蚁应付这种危险的手段 非常巧妙 [00:39:00]They construct their nest 它们盖的巢穴 [00:40:45]so that it has an automatic air-conditioning system. 附有自动空调系统 [00:44:09]The outer surface is so shaped thatthe slightest breeze 外部表面的造型特殊 只要淡淡清风 [00:50:02]sucks out staleair through these central vents. 就能从中央气孔吸出滞闷空气 [00:54:04]At the same time, fresh air is drawn down through the outer vents, 同时透过外部气孔 把新鲜空气吸下去 [00:58:30]right into the heart of the nest. 直接灌入巢穴核心 [01:07:16]Our own societies have existed for thousands of years 人类自己的社会存在了几千年 [01:10:11]but insect societies have lasted for millions. 但昆虫社会 已经延续了数百万年