[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00:21]The Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico 墨西哥的马德雷山脉 [00:04:20]are home to one of the greatest natural wonders. 拥有全世界最惊人的自然奇观 [00:09:30]A billion bright orange butterflies 十亿只亮橘色蝴蝶的拍摄工作 [00:13:47]offered the Life team a wonderful filming challenge. 带给‘生命脉动’制作团队 绝妙的挑战 [00:19:43]The colonies are only found above 3,000 metres 蝴蝶聚落只存在于 海拔三千公尺以上的高山 [00:24:09]and the team trek there slowly in the thin air. 制作团队在 稀薄的空气中缓慢跋涉 [00:40:25]The monarch phenomenon was only discovered here around 30 years ago 帝王斑蝶现象在此地 发现的时间不过短短三十年 [00:45:47]and one man has been studying them every year since, 自此之后有一个人 每年都会来研究蝴蝶 [00:49:13]Professor Lincoln Brower. 林肯布劳尔教授 [00:51:21]His knowledge will be essential if the team are to achieve their goal 制作团队若想得偿所愿 让摄影机跟着蝴蝶翩翩起舞 [00:55:12]of flying a camera among the butterflies. 就必须仰赖他的知识 [00:58:44]It's amazing that the butterflies only come to this area 很奇妙的是 这些蝴蝶只来这一区 [01:02:34]that's about 30 by 60 miles in extent. 面积约为三十乘六十英里的区域 [01:05:29]There are other areas that have high forests, 乔林在别的地方也有 [01:10:32]in different parts of Mexico, 在墨西哥其他地区 [01:12:50]to the west of here, to the south of here, 这一区的西方和南方都有乔林 [01:15:41]but as far as we know, this is the only place 但是据我们所知 帝王斑蝶 [01:18:05]that monarchs are able to spend the winter. 只会来这里过冬 [01:21:58]The butterflies are in such numbers 蝴蝶的数量如此庞大 [01:24:05]that filming them the traditional way, from a camera on a tripod, 如果用传统的方式把摄影机 固定在脚架上进行拍摄 [01:28:03]is reasonably straight forward. 还满直截了当的