[00:01:10]I'm not going in the right direction, am I? 我走的方向不对,是吗? [00:04:39]Excuse me. I’m not going in the right direction to the police station, am I? 打扰了,我去警察局走的方向不对,是吗? [00:10:05]I'm afraid you are lost. 恐怕你迷路了。 [00:13:00]Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I'm looking for the Museum. 对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。 [00:18:47]Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I'm looking for the Museum. 对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。 [00:24:13]Boy, you are lost. Its across the town. 孩子,你是迷路了。它在城镇的那头。 [00:27:41]Oh! What bad luck! How can I get to the Museum? 哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢? [00:32:17]You can take No. 24 bus here and then transfer to No. 53 bus to get there. 你可以在此乘坐24路公交车然后换乘53路公交车到那里。