[00:00:29]What did the young man look like? 那个年轻人长什么样子? [00:04:01]Police Station? Sir, I’d like to report a robbery. I saw a young man rob an old lady of her purse. 警察局吗?瞥官,我想报告一起抢劫案。我看见一个年轻人抢了一个老太太的钱包。 [00:11:34]What did the young man look like? 那个年轻人长什么样子? [00:13:51]He is short and thin. 他个子不髙,很瘦。 [00:17:24]Can you describe the thief? 你能描述—下那个小偷吗? [00:19:50]Sir, I saw a woman’s phone and money were stolen. 警官先生,我看见一个妇女的手机和钱被偷了。 [00:24:29]Can you describe the thief? 你能描述一下那个小偷吗? [00:26:31]He Is about 30 years old, and wears sunglasses. 他大约30来岁,带着墨镜。