[00:00:49]How do you spend your Valentine's Day? 你们怎样过情人节呢? [00:04:01]How do you spend your Valentine's Day? 你们怎样过情人节呢? [00:07:00]Usually we'll have a party and to see a film. 通常情况下我们会有个聚会,并看一场电影。 [00:13:32]Tell me something about Ice and Snow Day. 给我讲讲冰雪节吧。 [00:17:43]Tell me something about Ice and Snow Day. 给我讲讲冰雪节吧。 [00:20:29]That's the most magic festival. People build palaces and sculpture things with ice and snow. It's beautiful. 是最神奇的节日了,人们用冰雪造宫殿,雕刻各种各样的东西。真是美丽极了。