[00:04.60]My computer has been acting up on me. It's a pretty old model, and I need to replace it. 我的电脑出毛病了。它的型号很老了,我需要换一台了。 [00:14.18]So I decided to call up my friend Kevin to ask for his two cents. 所以我打电话给我的朋友凯文听听他的意见。 [00:21.00]Kevin is a computer whiz. 凯文是一个电脑高手。 [00:24.78]He knows PC really well since he worked on them for years, but in his heart of hearts, he is a big Mac fan. 他很了解电脑,因为他研究电脑很多年了,但是他心里面是一个苹果电脑迷。 [00:36.86]So, I thought he would be good person to ask. 所以我觉得问他很合适。 [00:41.65]I have always used a PC. I do mostly word processing so I don't need anything fancy. 我一直用的是个人电脑。我大部分时间是做文本处理,所以我不需要很俏的功能。 [00:52.20]But, I see people I know doing cool things with photos and video, 但是我看到我认识的人用照片和视频做很酷的事情, [01:00.56]so I'd like to take a crack at some new programs in the future. 所以以后我想尝试一些新的项目。 [01:06.78]Well, I called up Kevin to tell him what I needed. 嗯,我打电话给凯文,告诉他我的需要。 [01:12.67]He immediately started throwing out specs: "You need at least a 2 Gigahertz processor and 1 Gig of memory, and make sure it has a writable DVD drive." 他直接就开始说起来:“你需要至少2GHz的处理器,还有1G的内存,并且要有DVD光驱。” [01:29.63]"Whoa," I said. "All of that is way over my head. Let's back up for a a minute." 我说:“哇哦,你说的什么啊,我们倒回去再说一遍吧。” [01:38.53]Then he laughed and said he had gotten carried away . 然后他笑了说他说的太快了。 [01:43.20]"Okay," he said. "Let's start at the beginning. Now, the processor determines how easily and how fast you can use the programs on your computer. Got that?" I said that I did. Then he continued, 他说:“好,我们从头开始,听着,处理器决定你能多快多容易的使用你电脑上的程序,明白了吗?”我说明白了。然后他继续说: [02:03.78]"How much RAM memory you have is very important, too. “内存大小也很重要。 [02:08.64]Your computer will go faster the more you have. So, I recommend getting at least 1 Gigabyte of RAM memory." 你的电脑内存越大运行越快。因此我推荐至少1G的内存。” [02:20.23]"I think I'm following you so far, " I said. "Great," he said. 我说:“到目前为止我跟上你的节奏了。”他说,很好, [02:26.12]Another thing you want is a drive that handles both CDs and DVDs. 你还需要能读取CD和DVD的光驱。 [02:33.66]Some drives can just read DVDs and some can record onto blank ones. 有些光驱只能读DVD,有些还能刻录空盘。 [02:41.57]If you want to burn your own videos, you'll want a writable DVD drive. 如果你想烧录自己的视频的话,你需要一个可写的DVD光驱。 [02:48.64]Remember though, that's just the computer itself. 但是,记住这只是计算机本身。 [02:53.36]Don't forget that you'll need a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and speakers." 别忘了你还需要显示器,键盘,鼠标和扬声器。 [03:04.16]"OK," I said. "I think I've got all that. Now, here's the burning question: Mac or PC?" 我说:“好,我觉得我都有了。现在,最纠结的问题,是选苹果电脑还是微软的呢?” [03:15.39]He said: "Now that's a whole different thing. Do you have a couple of hours?" 他说:“现在是完全另一回事儿了。你有几小时时间吗?”