[00:05.37]Well, I was born and raised in Minnesota, in St. Paul, Minnesota, to be exact. 好,我出生长大在明尼苏达,准确的说是明尼苏达圣保罗。 [00:13.38]I won't say how long ago that was, but let's just say I'm no spring chicken. 我不说那是多久以前的事儿了,但是我也不年轻了。 [00:21.62]I grew up there with my rather large family of 8 brothers and 2 sisters. 我同我的八个兄弟和两个姐妹一起在那里长大。 [00:29.20](I was the baby of the family, but I swear I wasn't spoiled!) 我是最小的,但是我发誓我没有被惯坏。 [00:35.74]We were 13 in all, probably the biggest family in the neighborhood, maybe in the state. 我们家一共有13口人,可能是邻里中最大的家庭,也可能是本州最大的家庭了。 [00:44.64]I had a mostly happy childhood. 我的童年很快乐。 [00:48.02]My father and mother didn't have a lot of money, but we were never worried about keeping up with the Joneses. 我的父母没有很多钱,但是我们不担心攀比。 [00:58.56]I wasn't much into sports like my brothers were, but I enjoyed reading and listening to music growing up. 我不如我的兄弟们擅长体育运动,但是我成长期喜欢读书听音乐。 [01:08.63]I went to grade school near my house, and then to a high school about 2 miles from where I lived. 我在家附近读的小学,高中在离家2英里的地方读的。 [01:18.32]After graduating from high school, I went on to the University of Minnesota to get my bachelor's degree. 高中毕业后,我去明尼苏达州立大学攻取学士学位。 [01:27.68]It took me a while to learn the ropes at the university, but I finally graduated nearly 6 years later. 我花了很长时间学习大学课程,但是最终在六年后毕业了。 [01:37.42]Better late than never, as my father used to say. 像我爸爸经常说的,迟来总比不来好。 [01:42.67]I then went to Mexico for a couple of years to teach English and to study Spanish. 然后我去墨西哥待了几年教英语同时学习西班牙语。 [01:50.82]When I returned, I decided to become a teacher, so I went back to school to get my Master's degree. 回国之后我决定成为一名老师,因此我重回校园攻取硕士学位。 [02:01.25]After teaching for a few years, I was offered a job in California, so I moved to Los Angeles in 1991. 教了几年之后,我在加利福尼亚得到一份工作,于是我在1991年搬到了洛杉矶。 [02:13.94]After working here a few years, I went back to school (again!) to get my Ph.D. 在这儿工作了几年之后,我又回到了学校获得博士学位。 [02:23.63]I was starting to become a professional student. 我开始成为一名专业学生了。 [02:28.32]Well, I finished up my degree in four years, and then taught at the university for several years. 然后,我在四年内完成了我的学业,然后在大学中教了几年。 [02:38.77]Now, I work at a small research organization here in L.A. 现在,我在洛杉矶本地的一个小调查机构工作。 [02:45.70]I am happily married, and I still enjoy reading and listening to music, and, of course, hosting ESL Podcast. 我很高兴的结了婚,也一直在享受阅读和音乐,当然,主持播客节目我也很高兴。