[00:06.50]This organizational chart is really confusing. 这个组织文件看得我晕了。 [00:12.26]Why are you looking at that? 你看那个干什么? [00:17.20]I have an interview next week and I’m trying to bone up on the company I’ll be interviewing with. 我下周有个采访。我正在研究我将要采访的那家公司。 [00:25.77]I want to impress them, but this chart is really confusing. 我想让他们眼前一亮,但是这个表格太复杂了。 [00:32.18]Let me see. It’s a simple flow chart. You have your board of directors at the top, with the managing director reporting to them, and then the executive officers overseeing major departments. 我看看。这是一个简单的流程图。最上面是董事会,经理会给他们做报告,接着是主管监督主要部门。 [00:56.52]But I thought managers work below the executive officers. 但是我认为经理在主管手下工作呢。 [01:02.71]You’re confusing managers with managing directors. 你把经理与总经理搞混了。 [01:08.94]The managing director oversees the entire company and managers oversee daily operations. 总经理监督整个公司,经理监管日常运行。 [01:20.26]Oh, I see. So these here are the departments: accounting, marketing, purchasing, personnel, R & D, sales, and production. 哦,我明白了。所以这里的是部门:会计部,市场部,采购部,人事部,研发部,销售部和生产部。 [01:35.23]That’s right. Which department are you interviewing for? 对了。你要采访哪个部门? [01:41.50]I think the job is in purchasing. 我想是采购部。 [01:45.26]You think? Don’t you think that’s something you should get straight before you do anything else? 你想?你不觉得在你做其他事之前应该先搞清楚这个吗? [01:55.51]You might have a point there. 你是对的。