[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:01.04]Oh, the desserts are wonderful. Lynette, do you need any help? 哦,甜点看起来棒极了,Lynette, 你需要帮忙吗? [00:05.63]I've got it covered, no problem. 我可以的,没问题。 [00:07.64]Okay, Scavo, you're up. Let's here this genius idea of yours. 好的, Scavo让我们听听你天才的想法。 [00:11.56]Okay. Uh, okay. The single greatest obstacle facing Spotless Scrub is a lack of visibility. 好的,呃,好吧,无污擦面临的最大问题是缺少知名度。 [00:22.75]We need to concentrate ads in places where women spend a majority of their time. 我们需要把广告投放在妇女们经常出入的地方。 [00:27.79]For example, large chain grocery stores. Picture Spotless Scrub ads on the side of every mother's shopping cart. 例如,大的连锁商店,无污擦广告的图片放在每个妈妈的购物车里。 [00:37.74]Interesting. 有意思。 [00:38.55]Oh, you know what would be even better? Dry cleaning bags. 哦,你们知道怎样会更好吗?干的清洁袋里。 [00:42.06]What? 什么? [00:42.59]No, really, hear me out. Put a big Spotless Scrub ad between a woman and her cashmere sweater, and I guarantee you'll get her attention. 不,真的,听我说。在一个女人和她的羊毛衫中间放一个大的无污擦,我保证你们能引起她的注意。 [00:48.88]Honey, honey, that's great. I'm in the middle of a thing here. 宝贝,宝贝,太棒了。我正说到一半呢。 [00:50.71]Oh! 哦! [00:53.95]She's got a point. And those dry cleaning bags hang in our closets forever, and so it is like constant advertising. 对,她说到点子上了,我应该注意这个,这些干净的袋子会永远挂在我们的衣橱里,这像是在不断的做广告。 [01:02.49]Exactly! 正是。 [01:04.16]You know, maybe there's a way that we can work that in. 你知道,我们也许可以那么做。 [01:05.63]You know,this is kind of a fantastic idea. Can we go nationwide with this? 你知道吗,这是一个绝妙的主意,我们能在全国范围这样做吗? [01:10.53]Why not? Start by targeting the top chain, then branch out from there. 为什么不可以,从渠道的最顶端开始,然后再分销下来。 [01:14.55]Boom, boom, boom. Mass saturation. Oh, and you know what else would be a great idea? Here's the thing ... Boom, boom, boom --集中渗透哦,你们知道怎么做会更好吗?这样的… [01:19.51]While Lynette was commanding everyone's attention...Susan was trying to remain inconspicuous. 当Lynette 正在吸引每个人的注意时,Susan 正努力的避人耳目。 [01:27.77]Everybody's looking at me, aren't they? 每个人都在看我,是吗? [01:30.46]Just the slapstick fans. 只是些低俗的爱看热闹的人。 [01:32.20]Oh God, why couldn't I have just have been knocked unconscious? 哦,上帝,刚刚为什么我没有被摔晕?