[00:00:29]So your mom really didn't mind your coming to, um, our ball with me? 所以,你妈妈真的不介意你和我一起,来我们的晚会? [00:13:44]No, not at all. 一点也不。 [00:14:55]And your father is okay with you volunteering as well? 而你爸爸也同意你来做志愿者? [00:18:05]Um,excuse me. Jenny. 抱歉。Jenny。 [00:22:01]Alison. Didn't expect to see you...here. Alison,没想到在这见到你。 [00:27:10]That's me, unexpected. 是我啊,很惊讶吧。 [00:29:42]Um, mom, can I talk to you for a minute? 妈妈,我能跟你说几句吗? [00:31:25]Uh, no, sweetie, we'll have plenty of time to talk later. 哦,不,亲爱的,我们待会有的是时间说。 [00:34:10]You know what? 知道吗? [00:34:36]It is so nice of you to let Jenny come to our little event. 你能让Jenny来帮忙真是太好了。 [00:39:20]You know, cotillions really are instructive.They teach young girls good social graces. 交谊舞确实是很有教育意义的,他们教会小姑娘高雅的社交礼节。 [00:42:57]Alison: Well, then I'm sure she'll learn a lot.I'm gonna go. 我想她肯定能学到很多。我得走了。 [00:47:15]Jenny: Um,I'll come with you. 我和你一起走。 [00:54:33]Alison: No need.I'll see you later. 不用了。晚点见。