[00:00:01]Thank you so much for being so understanding. 谢谢你能这么理解我 [00:02:07]Oh,come on. 嘿,别这样。 [00:02:35]I would do anything for an ill grandparent, 为了生病的外婆,什么都可以做。 [00:04:14]and besides, my mom has her art opening, 而且我妈妈的画展要开幕, [00:06:24]so we're both doing things for our families. 所以我们都是为了家人。 [00:08:22]Well, my thing isn't without conditions, believe me. 可是相信我,我是迫不得已的。 [00:10:25]I had a long talk with my mom, 我和妈妈说了很久, [00:12:02]and I said if I'm gonna do this, 我答应参加可是条件是, [00:13:13]then I'm gonna be myself in every possible way. 我会尽量一个人待着。 [00:15:25]Well, then can you promise me that 那你能答应我, [00:16:35]when you're up there being yourself 当你一个人在那的时候。 [00:17:34]as they auction you off, 如果他们把你拍卖了, [00:18:21]that you won't go for anything less than a million dollars? 千万不能少于一百万? [00:21:11]Okay, did you get that out of your system? 好的,你觉得没问题了吗? [00:23:45]Yeah,I think I I'm good. 对,我很好。