[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.99]G. I. Joe. G. I. Joe?! 美国大兵? [00:03.58]Hey, I don't know what to tell you guys that's the doll he chose. 我不知如何告诉你们但他选的是这个。 [00:07.81]What'd you do, dip it in sugar? 你怎么做的?把玩具沾糖吗? [00:10.51]Look, G. I. Joe's in, Barbi's out. And if you guys can't deal with it, that's your 'too bad.' 听着,美国大兵获胜,芭比娃娃出局了,如果你们不能接受,那你们就太糟糕了。 [00:17.86]What are you being such a weenie for? So he has a Barbi, big deal. You used to dress up like a woman. 你干嘛这么小家子气,他有个芭比,有什么大不了?你以前都打扮得像女生。 [00:27.80]What? 什么? [00:32.63]Well, you used to dress up in Mom's clothes all the time. 你以前都穿妈的衣服啊。 [00:35.28]What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊? [00:37.30]The big hat, the pearls, the little pink handbag. 宽帽子、珍珠、粉红小手提包。 [00:40.67]Okay, you are totally making this up. 好,这些都是你编出来的。 [00:43.61]How can you not remember? You made us call you...Bea. 你怎么可能不记得?你还让我们叫你"Bea"。 [00:52.78]Oh God. 哦,天哪。 [00:56.33]I've literally never been this happy. 我真的从没这么快乐过。 [01:00.16]Wasn't there a little song? 不是还有一首歌吗? [01:01.71]Oh please God, let there be a song. 拜托,老天,来一首歌吧? [01:04.26]There was no song. (to Monica) There was no song! 根本没有什么歌。 [01:07.47]'I am Bea.' "我是Bea"。 [01:08.48]Okay. 好吧。 [01:09.36]'I drink tea.' 我喝茶。 [01:10.51]Okay, that's, that's enough. (retreats to the bathroom) 好的,就是这,够了。 [01:11.65]'....Won't you, won't you, won't you.... ' 你要不要… [01:19.06]Won't you dance around with me. 你要不要在我身旁跳舞? [01:19.56]A-ha!!! 啊……