[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.13]Good morning, sir. Can I help you? 上午好,先生。有什么能为您效劳的? [00:02.55]My flight has been delayed. Can you tell me. Why? 我的航班延误了。我想知道原因。 [00:06.17]The airport has been closed clue to the bad weather condition. 因为天气的原因,机场关闭了。 [00:10.24]How long wili the delay last? 延误多长时间? [00:12.31]Maybe two or three hours. 可能要两三个小时吧。 [00:15.12]l have to stay here tonight. 看来我今晚不得不在这儿过夜了。 [00:16.33]Don't worry about that. We will arrange tonight's accommodation. 您不用担心,今晚您的食宿由我们来安排。 [00:21.00]Thank you. 谢谢。