[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]Hello. 你好。 [00:02.09]Hello. 你好。 [00:03.25]All right, let's dispense with the friendly banter. I believe you know why I'm here. 好吧,就跳过寒暄直奔主题吧。你应该知道我来这的目的吧。 [00:09.43]Well, I always figured it was to study us, discover our weaknesses, and report back to your alien overlords. 这个啊,我一直以为你是想要研究我们,找出我们的弱点,然后汇报给你们外星人老大。 [00:14.37]Yes, amusing. Extraordinary intelligence might well appear extraterrestrial to you, but let me be more specific. I believe you know why I'm here in the laundry room. 是的,很有趣。非凡的智慧在你看来有些像外星人,但让我把话说明白。我相信你知道我来洗衣房的原因。 [00:28.47]Better acoustics for your throat singing? 使你的喉唱有更好的音响效果? [00:30.48]It's actually not bad. But my true purpose in being here will be revealed in this brief PowerPoint presentation. Lights. Why Sheldon Cooper PhD should go to Switzerland to see the CERN supercollider: A PowerPoint presentation by Sheldon Cooper, PhD. 还真不赖啊。但是我来这儿的真正目的是进行简短的幻灯片展示。关灯。为什么Sheldon Cooper博士要去瑞士参观欧洲核子研究中心的超级对撞机:幻灯片作者Sheldon Cooper博士。 [01:05.40]Oh, for God's sake. 噢,我的老天啊。 [01:06.06]Here we have a highly gifted researcher, in the field of particle physics, whose work has brought him to the precipice, of forever changing mankind's understanding of the universe. AKA me. And here we have a waitress brushing her teeth with her finger. AKA you. 这儿在粒子物理学领域,有一个极有天赋的研究者,他的研究关乎全人类的命运从此改变对宇宙的理解。就是我。现在我们看到的是一个用手指刷牙的女服务生。就是你。 [01:28.25]I'm sorry. Is this supposed to be buttering me up? 打断一下。你这是要奉承我吗? [01:31.45]Please hold all questions till the end of the presentation. This is the Large Hadron Clider at CERN in Switzerland, the product of decades of planning and construction. It is a Mecca for physicists the world over. This is Bath & Body Works on Colorado Boulevard. They sell scented soaps and lotions, some of which contain glitter. Now, let's see if we can match the individual to the appropriate destination. 请在展示结束后提问题。这是位于瑞士的欧洲核子研究中心的大型强子对撞机,它是几十年计划和建造的产物。它是全世界物理学家们的麦加。(伊斯兰教圣地)这个是位于科罗拉多大道的Bath & Body Works。(美国沐浴类最畅销的品牌)这家店贩售香皂和乳液,某些还含有亮粉。现在,看看我们能否把个体和正确的目的地配对。 [01:59.28]Ok, show's over. 好了,展示结束。 [02:01.33]No, it's not. I've got five more slides. 不,还没结束。我还有五张幻灯片没放。 [02:04.51]Sheldon, this is Leonard's decision. He invited me to Switzerland, and I intend to go. 他邀请我去瑞士而我打算去了。Sheldon,这是Leonard的决定。 [02:12.59]Shledon: Very well. Enjoy yourself. You're going to be in the presence of something that I've dreamed of being seeing for decades. I just hope you'll be able to appreciate the magnitude of where you are and what it represents. 很好。玩得开心。你将看到一个我梦想已久的东西。我只是希望你能够领会你所处地方的重要性及其价值。 [02:30.16]I'll talk to Leonard. 我会和Leonard谈谈。 [02:33.25]You will? 真的? [02:34.55]Yes. If it means that much to you, you should go. 是的。如果它对你来说这么重要,那么应该你去。 [02:39.09]Oh, Penny, thank you! 噢,Penny,谢谢! [02:43.59]You're welcome. 不客气。 [02:45.32]Since I rarely hug, I'm relying on your expertise regarding duration. 因为我很少抱人,持续时间就看你的拥抱技术了。 [02:48.57]I think we're there. 我想时间够了。 [02:51.28]Oh, good. Bye bye. 噢,太好了。再见。