[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.22]All right, one bacon cheese burger, breaking two Jewish dietary restrictions simultaneously... kudos. Beerbattered fish and chips. Now, here's your tartar sauce. I also brought you salsa. It's a little unconventional, but I think you'll like it. It's zingy. 好的,一个奶酪培根汉堡,同时违反了2条犹太饮食禁忌....真光荣。啤酒鱼和薯条。这是你要的海鲜酱。我还给你拿了辣酱汁。虽然和往常不太一样,但是我觉得你会喜欢的。非常好吃。 [00:18.21]And for you, Factory Burrito Grande... no cheese, no sour cream, no ugly consequences from your lactose intolerance.Bon appetit. 这是你的,巨型墨西哥煎饼...没有奶酪,没有酸奶油,不会有引起你乳糖过敏的不良反应。祝你胃口好。 [00:27.59]Hang on. Black beans, not pinto beans? 等下。是黑豆,不是青刀豆吧? [00:34.57]Yes. 对。 [00:35.21]Double guacamole? 双份鳄梨酱? [00:36.08]of course. 当然。 [00:36.38]No cilantro? 没有香菜? [00:37.23]Nope. 没有。 [00:37.52]Lettuce shredded, not chopped? 条状生菜,不是片状的? [00:38.57]Yep. 没错。 [00:39.24]You understand why I'm doing this to you? 你明白我为什么要这样做吧? [00:40.47]I do. 明白。 [00:41.42]That'll be all. That was fun. 没事了。真有意思。 [00:46.51]How long can he keep this up? 他能干多久呀? [00:51.06]I heard about this professor at MIT, who melted down, bought a van, and spent the rest of his life as a mobile dog groomer. 我听说在麻省理工有一位教授,辞职后买了个货车,后半辈子一直在做流浪狗美容师。 [00:57.02]He never went back to the university? 再也没回学校? [00:58.37]Only to shampoo Professor Saltzberg's zoo. 只有给Saltzberg教授的动物们洗过澡。 [01:02.59]Sheesh. 哇哦。 [01:03.47]I bet if we all chipped in, we could buy Sheldon a van. 我打赌如果我们出份子的话,可以给Sheldon买货车。 [01:09.31]But he's afraid of dogs. 但是他害怕狗。 [01:11.52]Yeah, that's the only thing wrong with that plan. 对,那是这个计划里面唯一失败的部分。 [01:13.52]Hey, guys, sorry you had to wait, but we are swamped. What's this? 大家好呀,让你们久等了,我们真的很忙。这是什么? [01:21.14]Sheldon took our order. 谢尔顿来点过餐了。 [01:22.57]Sheldon doesn't work here. 谢尔顿不在这儿工作呀。 [01:24.25]Well, honey, not to complain, but we were starting to think you didn't either. 哦,亲爱的,别抱怨了,但是我们觉得你似乎也不在这工作。 [01:33.29]Is that really necessary? Good Lord. The interference pattern in the fracture. The motion of the wave to the molecular structure. I've been looking at it all wrong. 有必要这样吗?天啊。断裂处的干扰结构。从波的运动再到分子结构。我一直都想错了。 [01:47.44]I can't consider the electrons as particles. They move through the graphene as a wave. It's a wave!The moment to applaud would be now. Troglodytes. 不应该把电子想成粒子。他们是以波的形式在石墨薄膜中运动。是波!现在才是鼓掌的时候。真是原始人。 [01:59.47]Sheldon... Where are you going? Aren't you going to clean this up? 谢尔顿... 你去哪呀? 难道你不准备把这里清扫干净? [02:09.11]I'm sorry. I don't work here. 抱歉。我又不在这儿工作。