[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.66]Hi Daddy. 爸爸 [00:02.38]Baby. Ross. 女儿 [00:05.97]Dr. Green. How are you? (offers his hand, and Dr. Green puts his scarf on it.) 罗斯葛林医生,你好吗? [00:10.48]Thanks for dinner last night. 谢谢你昨晚请客 [00:12.44]Thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson. 谢谢你给我上了宝贵的一课 [00:15.72]Nice hair. What'd ya do? Swim here? 好帅的发型,你是游泳来的吗? [00:21.69]Okay, that's it, I can't take it anymore. 够了,我受不了了 [00:23.89]What? What? He's interested in you. He-he likes your hair, he just wants to know how you got here. 怎么了?他喜欢你的发型,想知道你是怎么来的 [00:27.70]Oh, please. Sweetie it's hopeless, okay, I'm just gonna go. 没有用的,我要走了 [00:32.00]What?! 什么? [00:32.78]Look, look I'm sorry. It's just that.... 对不起,我实在… [00:35.00]Ross? What's with the neck? 罗斯?你的脖子怎么了? [00:36.87]He's got this thing. And I keep telling him to go to my chiropractor... 他的脖子不舒服,我一直叫他去找我的按摩师 [00:40.13]You're still going to that chiropractor, that man couldn't get into medical school in Extapa! 你还在找他?,他连乡下的医学院都考不上 [00:45.80]Thank you! That's what I keep saying. 谢谢,我一直这么说 [00:48.49]Excuse me, Dr. Bobby happens to be an excellent doctor. 很抱歉,巴比医生是个很好的医生 [00:52.03]Wait a minute, his name is Dr. Bobby? 等一下,他叫巴比医生? [00:56.73]Well that's his last name. 那是他的姓 [00:57.54]And his first name. 和他的名字 [00:59.21]He's Bobby Bobby? 他叫巴比巴比? [01:02.55]It's Robert Bobby. 是劳勃巴比 [01:06.60]And um, excuse me, he helps me. 而且很抱歉,他把我医好了 [01:09.36]Oh-ho please. Ask her how? 拜托!你问她 [01:11.26]What do you need help for? 你哪里有毛病? [01:12.31]With my alignment. I've got one leg shorter than the other. 我歪一边,有一条腿比较短 [01:14.74]Oh God! 哦,天啊 [01:16.09]Argue with that. 跟她辩辩看 [01:17.12]What? It's true, my right leg is two inches shorter. 本来就是,我的右腿短了两寸 [01:19.71]Come on! You're just titling! Her legs are fine! 拜托,你只是没站直。她的腿没问题 [01:24.55]I know that! 我知道 [01:25.29]So, why do you let her go to a chiropractor for? 那你为什么让她去? [01:27.46]I'm sorry, let her? 让她去? [01:28.33]What can I do, she doesn't listen to me about renter's insurance either. 她连承租保险的事都不听我的 [01:31.77]Wait a minute, you don't have renter's insurance?! 慢着,你没有承租保险? [01:36.87]No. 没有 [01:39.09]Well what if somebody steals something? How are you gonna run after him with one leg shorter than the other?! 要是遭小偷你要用长短脚追吗? [01:49.76]Hey, would you ah, would you like some juice? 你要喝果汁吗? [01:51.44]I'd love some juice. Thanks. 麻烦你 [01:52.10]Okay. 好的