[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.61]What do you mean; you're not taking care of him? 你说你不会照看他,你是什么意思? [00:04.66]Dad's being released today. He's got to have a place to recuperate. 爸爸今天出院,他应该有个地方休养。 [00:07.44]Well, then he can go to a motel because he's not allowed back in my house. 那么他可以去住旅馆,因为我不允许他回到我的家里。 [00:11.39]I thought you two were getting along. What happened? 我以为你们两个和好了。发生了什么事? [00:13.54]That's - between your father and me. 那个,是我和你爸爸之间的事。 [00:17.20]You're so selfish. 你真自私。 [00:18.31]You know, I'm so looking forward to the day I get to put you in a nursing home. 我真是期待送你进疗养院的那一天啊。 [00:21.78]I'm sorry to disappoint you, Andrew, 很抱歉让你失望了, Andrew, [00:23.40]But my plan is to have an embolism and to die young! 但我的计划是得一次栓塞,在年轻的时候就死去。 [00:26.20]Yeah, well we're all rooting for you, but you might not be so lucky! 是啊,我们全都支持你,不过你也许没那么幸运。 [00:29.19]Andrew! Andrew! [00:29.72]You want to see how long I can hold a grudge? 你想知道我能恨你多久吗? [00:31.23]Go ahead and abandon my father, because I promise you, you'll be sorry. 你尽管抛弃我爸爸好了,但我向你保证,你会很后悔的。 [00:34.25]You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what - 你不会那么说,如果你知道… [00:36.77]Knew what? Well come on, tell me! 知道什么?拜托,告诉我。 [00:38.85]Because I'd love to know what my father did that was so awful! 我想要知道爸爸到底做了什么糟糕的事情! [00:44.18]Fine. I will see him through this, but after that, your father can rot in hell for all I care! 好的,我会照看他直到他康复。但那之后,你爸爸就是死了我也不管。 [00:53.50]We're not like other families, are we? 我们和其他的家庭不同,不是吗? [00:56.86]No. We're not. 是的,我们不同。