[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.44]The spur for Bruce Lee to start weight training came after a fight in San Francisco in 1965. 李小龙开始举重训练 原因还得追溯到1965年在旧金山的一次格斗 [00:05.38]He'd just started to teaching kungfu. 他刚开始教授功夫 [00:08.29]When a traditional practitioner of the art heard Bruce Lee was teaching westerners, he challenged him to a fight. 当地一名传统武术拳师知悉李小龙公开招收西方人为徒 便向李小龙下了挑战书 [00:15.59]A pregnant Linda Lee was there to witness it. 琳达 李当时也挺着大肚子观看了此次格斗 [00:19.48]It lasted about 3 minutes. 大约持续了3分钟 [00:21.32]Bruce got the fellow down to the ground and said, " Do you give up? Do you give up?" 小龙将对手撂倒在地 不住地问 "你服不服? 你服不服?" [00:26.01]And he said I give up. 对方说 我服了 [00:28.15]So they went back to San Francisco. 然后灰溜溜地逃回旧金山 [00:31.05]However, it upset Bruce mightly that he had not dispatched that man in under 3 minutes. 但小龙自己也高兴不起来 他没能在3分钟之内解决掉对方 [00:38.37]And he began... that's when he began to question his physical fitness and his way of martial arts. 自此 他也开始质疑自己的身体情况以及搏击方式 [00:47.09]Bruce Lee decided to reexamine both his fighting and training methods 李小龙决定重新定位自己的格斗和训练方式 [00:51.02]and began an intensive program of physical conditioning. 并开始了一项健身密集训练 [00:56.26]He had a program for every single day. 每天都条条在列 [00:59.41]So he did aerobic-type things. 进行有氧训练 [01:01.40]He rode his bike, he rode a stationary bike. 比如单车训练 骑健身车 [01:04.17]He ran. 跑步 [01:05.49]He jumped to rope. 跳绳 [01:07.13]All those kind of things for aerobic conditioning. 任何有氧训练都尝试过 [01:10.08]And then he did sit-ups forever, he had the wonderful washboard abs. 同时坚持做仰卧起坐 造就了完美的"搓衣板"腹肌 [01:15.58]And he did strength exercising with weights all the time. 他还通过举重进行力量训练 [01:20.12]And he was very specific. He read books on kinesiology so he would know how to develop his body. 而且他很特别 还要研读运动机能学方面的书籍 这样才能知道如何提升自己的身体机能