[00:00.00]BBC News with Julie Candler 朱莉·坎德勒为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.34]The governor of the besieged Syrian city of Homs says around 200 people were evacuated during the day. 叙利亚被包围城市霍姆斯省长称当天有约200人撤离。 [00:09.27]Earlier, the Syrian Red Crescent managed to get trucks of food into the old city. Lyse Doucet is in Homs. 早些时候,叙利亚红新月设法将成卡车的食物运送到这个古城。Lyse Doucet在霍姆斯报道。 [00:15.61]Three large buses pulled up, most of the passengers were young men. 三辆大公共汽车停下来,车上大多数乘客都是青年男子。 [00:20.39]They were brought into the abandoned ballroom being used as a reception centre along with a small number of women and children. 他们和少数妇女儿童一起被放到被当做接待中心的废弃舞厅, [00:27.99]But the men will now be questioned separately about their involvement in the war. 但男子将分别接受讯问,被调查参与战争的情况。 [00:32.36]An operation the UN says, it's watching closely to ensure they are not mistreated. 联合国机构称正密切观察,确保这些人不受虐待。 [00:38.44]Some men told us, they were fearful of their future. 有的男子告诉我们他们担心自己的未来, [00:41.90]But everyone we spoke to was relieved that at last, their long ordeal inside the besieged old city was now over. 但与我们谈话的人到最后很很放心,他们在这个被包围古城的苦日子已经结束。 [00:50.22]At the peace talks taking place in Geneva, the opposition delegation laid out its transition plan, 在日内瓦举行的和谈中,反对派代表提出过渡计划, [00:55.62]but the government representatives refused to discuss it. 但政府代表拒绝谈论该计划。 [00:58.56]The governor of Borno state in northeast Nigeria says 39 people, including women and children have been killed in an attack on the town of Konduga. 尼日利亚东北部博尔诺州州长说,包括妇女儿童在内的39人在Konduga镇的袭击中丧生, [01:08.50]The attack has been blamed on the Islamist militants. From Lagos Will Ross reports. 这次袭击是由伊斯兰武装分子实施的。威尔·罗斯在拉各斯报道。 [01:13.09]What’re we hearing is that a large number of very-well armed fighters went into this town of Konduga late on Tuesday. 我们听说周二晚些时候大批武装精良的武装分子来到Konduga镇, [01:21.57]They were in pickup vehicles, a quite number of them dozens, a resident said. 他们乘着皮卡车来,一位居民说有数十人。 [01:26.62]According to the people who survived the attack, they said that they saw the soldiers there simply flee. 据那些袭击中幸免于难的人说,他们看到士兵们四散开来。 [01:32.39]They were outnumbered and outgunned, and then the armed Islamist militants presumably from the group known as Boko Haram, 居民们寡不敌众且武装不足,这批可能来自博科圣地组织的武装分子们开枪杀死很多人, [01:41.35]they then shot dead many, many people, it's difficult to know the exact numbers. 很难知道确切人数。 [01:45.62]The governor of the state who's been into the area said he counted 39 bodies. 该州州长来到这里,说他清点了39具尸体。 [01:51.89]One stumbling block in the South Sudanese peace talks has been removed. 南苏丹和谈中的障碍已经扫清, [01:56.42]Seven prominent politicians have been allowed to travel to the talks in Ethiopia. 7名显要政客现已获允前往参加埃塞俄比亚的谈判。 [02:00.52]They were detained at the beginning of the crisis, but subsequently conditionally released. 他们在这场危机开始时被拘留,但后来有条件获释。 [02:05.27]The rebels had insisted they must take part in the negotiations. 叛军曾坚持要参加协商。 [02:08.94]Much of Britain is continuing to experience some of its worst weather for years with gusts of wind reaching over 160km/hr. 英国大部分地区继续经历数年来最恶劣的天气,强风速度达到每小时160公里。 [02:18.65]Thousands of homes are flooded. One of the most senior members of the military had described conditions as an almost unparalleled natural crisis. 数千户人家被淹没,军队最高官员称目前情况几乎是前所未有的自然危机。 [02:26.64]Angus Crawford has been watching developments on the River Thames. 安格斯·克劳福德一直在关注泰晤士河的情况。 [02:31.35]A steady stream of sandbags has now been offloaded from lorries and been made ready for local distribution. 一个个沙袋现在被从卡车上卸下来,准备在当地散发。 [02:38.50]There are still 14 severe flood warnings along the Thames, and with more bad weather forecast, 泰晤士河沿岸仍有14个严重洪灾警告,预计还有更多糟糕天气, [02:44.35]the environment agency is warning the water levels could rise further later in the week, 环境机构警告说水平面本周还会继续上涨, [02:49.98]possibly equalling 1947 which were the worst British floods of the 20th century.World News from the BBC 可能达到1947年的水平,当时发生了20世纪英国最严重洪灾。BBC世界新闻。 [02:58.94]At least 15,000 protesters wearing the red shirts, the Brazil's landless movement, have gathered around the Congress in the country's capital Brasilia. 巴西无地运动至少1.5万名抗议者身穿红色T恤,聚集在首都巴西利亚国会周围。 [03:08.18]The protesters say they intend to deliver a letter demanding land reform to President Dilma Rousseff. 抗议者称准备致信总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫,要求进行土地改革。 [03:13.74]There have been some scuffles with reports of teargas being fired by the police. 现场发生了扭打,据悉警方动用了催泪瓦斯。 [03:17.98]The movement is known for occupying farms it considers unproductive, and offering them to landless workers. 据悉这场运动占领它认为不高产的农场,将之送给无地工人。 [03:23.90]A judge in the American state of Kentucky has ruled that the state must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. 美国肯塔基州法官判定该州必须承认在其他州结婚的同性婚姻, [03:31.64]This removes the clause in Kentucky's ban on same-sex marriages. 这就废除了肯塔基州同性婚姻禁令的条款。 [03:36.15]The judge, John G. Heyburn II, said the existing law was demeaning to gay and lesbian people, 法官海本称现有法律是对同性恋者的贬损, [03:41.61]he said the clause violated the US constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law. 他说该条款违反了美国宪法要求确保得到法律同等保护的规定。 [03:46.81]The American scholar Wendy Doniger says she's very disappointed that all copies of her book on Hinduism will be pulped in India over a legal row. 在印度一场法律纠纷中,美国学者温迪·多尼格有关印度教的书籍将要全部被毁掉,对此她感到非常失望。 [03:56.42]The Penguin publishing company withdrew The Hindus: An Alternative History after Hindu campaign group alleged that the book offended Hindu sentiments. 由于印度教活动组织声称该书触犯了印度教的感情,企鹅出版公司就撤销了这本《印度人:另一个历史》。 [04:05.25]Ms. Doniger said the Indian law which was used against the publisher must be changed. 多尼格说必须改变这些针对出版商的印度法律。 [04:09.89]“The law is very cruel and it criminalizes a publisher for publishing a book that offends Hindu. “该法太残酷,将出版抵触印度教图书的出版商视为罪犯。 [04:17.17]So, it is the law that must be changed. Publishers, all publishers in India are subjected to this law, 所以必须改变这一法律,印度的所有出版商都受该法的约束, [04:24.17]and many of them simply dropped the books as mainly there is any trouble. It was wonderful for Penguin to fight as long as they did.” 很多出版商一遇到麻烦就放弃这些书,企鹅公司能战斗这么久,确实很厉害。” [04:30.19]State media in China say the country's first moon rover has died on the Lunar surface. 中国国家媒体称该国首个月球探测器在月球表面死去, [04:37.25]The craft known as Jade Rabbit landed on December 15th, but began experiencing technical problems last month. 玉兔探测器于12月15日发射,但上月已经遇到技术问题。 [04:45.09]The state-owned news agency Xinhua said the rover could not be restored to full function. 国家新闻机构新华社称玉兔无法全面运转, [04:51.33]Correspondents say this failure was likely to be seen as a major setback to China's ambitious space program.BBC News 记者称这一失败可能被视为中国野心勃勃航天项目的重大挫折。BBC新闻。