[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]And now? His lips whispered against my jaw. “那现在呢?”他的唇贴住我的下颌,耳语着。 [00:04.41]Trees, I gasped. Motion sickness. “树,”我喘息着说。“运动症。” [00:08.30]He lifted his face to kiss my eyelids. Bella, you don't really think I would hit a tree, do you? 他低下头,吻着我的眼睑。“贝拉,你不会真的认为我会撞到树上吧,对吗?” [00:19.20]No, but I might. There was no confidence in my voice. He smelled an easy victory. “不,但我也许会。”我的声音里毫无自信。他嗅到了胜利在望的味道。 [00:24.28]He kissed slowly down my cheek, stopping just at the corner of my mouth. 他慢慢地,一路往下吻着我的脸颊,恰好停在了我的嘴角上。 [00:28.50]Would I let a tree hurt you? His lips barely brushed against my trembling lower lip. “我会让你撞到树上吗?”他的唇轻轻地刷过我微微颤抖着的下唇。 [00:36.10]No, I breathed. I knew there was a second part to my brilliant defense, but I couldn't quite call it back. “不,”我喘息着说。我知道如果我要很好地反击的话,我还得补上一句。但我实在说不出来。 [00:41.43]You see, he said, his lips moving against mine. There's nothing to be afraid of, is there? “你看”他说道,他的嘴唇从我的嘴唇上离开了。“没什么好害怕的,不是吗?” [00:48.49]No, I sighed, giving up. “是”我感叹,放弃争论。 [00:49.28]Then he took my face in his hands almost roughly, and kissed me in earnest, his unyielding lips moving against mine. 然后,他几近粗暴地捧起我的脸,如痴如醉地吻着我,他坚硬的唇摩挲着我的唇。 [01:02.38]There really was no excuse for my behavior. 我实在找不到借口为自己的行为解脱。 [01:05.00]Obviously I knew better by now. 显然事到如今我已经比上次更清楚这样做的后果了, [01:06.41]And yet I couldn't seem to stop from reacting exactly as I had the first time. 但我还是情不自禁地像第一次那样做出反应。 [01:11.57]Instead of keeping safely motionless, my arms reached up to twine tightly around his neck, 我没有安全地待在那里一动不动,而是伸出胳膊紧紧地缠住他的脖子, [01:17.58]and I was suddenly welded to his stone figure. I sighed, and my lips parted. 然后忽然贴上了他大理石般的五官。我喘息着,张开了唇。 [01:22.27]He staggered back, breaking my grip effortlessly. 他摇摇晃晃地退开,毫不费力地挣脱了我的紧握。 [01:26.09]Damn it, Bella! he broke off, gasping. You'll be the death of me, I swear you will. “该死,贝拉!”他挣脱出来,喘着气说道。“我发誓,我迟早会死在你手里的