[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]I'm really excited to be here. 我很开心来到这里 [00:39.26]We have something really special to share with you today. 今天 我们将给大家展示一个非常特殊的产品 [00:44.07]In total, between iMac and PowerBook lines, 在今年 iMac和Powerbook加起来 [00:48.59]we have sold over three million units this year. 我们一共卖掉300多万台 [00:52.19]Okay. That's it. 行 就这样了 [00:52.37]Well, maybe there's one more thing. 对了 还有一件事 [01:03.31]I'm about to show you something that's amazing. 我要给大家展示一件令人惊奇的产品 [01:06.56]Something that no one else in the world has seen yet. 一件前所未有 闻所未闻的产品 [01:11.38]Now, Jony, myself and a small team 现在 强尼 我 还有一小组人 [01:15.19]have been working really hard on a secret project, 我们非常辛苦为这个秘密的项目工作着 [01:19.37]which is something I've been known to do from time to time. 大家也知道我在忙这个项目一直在忙于此 [01:23.49]The device I'm about to introduce to you is gonna revolutionize an entire industry. 我马上要介绍的这款产品将改变整个产业 [01:31.21]It's a music playing device. 它是一款音乐播放设备 [01:33.16]Okay. 好吧 [01:33.41]We'll get to that in a minute. 我们一会儿再谈细节 [01:37.44]Because what it represents is as important as what it is. 因为我想先说 它所代表的意义和它的实际用途同样的伟大 [01:43.46]It's a tool for the heart. 这是一个能触动心灵的工具 [01:48.11]And when you can touch someone's heart,that's limitless. 当某样东西能触碰一个人心灵的时候,它就变得意义非凡 [01:56.41]If I do say so myself, it's insanely cool. 我自卖自夸一下 这东西酷毙了 [01:59.57]It's a music player. 它是一款音乐播放器 [02:04.48]It's a thousand songs in your pocket. 也就是在你口袋里装下一千首歌 [02:10.09]I'd like to introduce you to the iPod. 我将给你们介绍:那就是iPod