[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.49]Three, she answered tersely. “三个。”她简单地答道。 [00:02.30]Three! he scoffed. Let them come. The steel bands of muscle flexed along his massive arms. “三个!”他嘲弄着。“让他们来吧。”他粗壮的胳膊上钢铁般的肌肉群一路膨胀起来。 [00:11.39]For a split second that seemed much longer than it really was, Carlisle deliberated. 对话停顿了片刻,卡莱尔仔细思索着,这一秒钟显得格外的漫长。 [00:17.36]Only Emmett seemed unperturbed; the rest stared at Carlisle's face with anxious eyes. 只有艾美特一个人显得很镇定,其余的人都用焦虑不安的眼神注视着卡莱尔的脸。 [00:22.33]Let's just continue the game, Carlisle finally decided. His voice was cool and level. Alice said they were simply curious. “让我们继续比赛。”卡莱尔最终决定道。他的声音既沉着又淡定。“爱丽丝说他们只是很好奇。” [00:35.31]All this was said in a flurry of words that lasted only a few seconds. 所有一连串的对话只持续了几秒钟。 [00:38.26]I had listened carefully and caught most of it, though I couldn't hear what Esme now asked Edward with a silent vibration of her lips. 我仔细地听着,捕捉到了大部分的意思,但我还是没听到艾思梅问了爱德华什么,她的嘴唇沉默地颤抖着。 [00:47.05]I only saw the slight shake of his head and the look of relief on her face. 我只看见他轻微地摇了摇头,她脸上露出了宽慰的神情。 [00:53.04]You catch, Esme, he said. I'll call it now. And he planted himself in front of me. “你来当捕手,艾思梅。”他说道。“现在我来下令。”然后他让自己矗立在了我跟前。 [00:59.26]The others returned to the field, warily sweeping the dark forest with their sharp eyes. 别的人都在走回场地上去,用他们锐利的目光警惕地扫视着幽暗的密林。 [01:03.59]Alice and Esme seemed to orient themselves around where I stood. 爱丽丝和艾美特似乎刻意地围着我站着。 [01:10.07]Take your hair down, Edward said in a low, even voice. “把你的头发放下来。”爱德华用低沉平缓的声音说道。 [01:14.25]I obediently slid the rubber band out of my hair and shook it out around me. 我顺从地扯下绑着头发的橡皮圈,甩头让头发散落下来。 [01:29.02]I stated the obvious. The others are coming now. 我点出那个显而易见的情况。“别的吸血鬼正在过来。” [01:30.35]Yes, stay very still, keep quiet, and don't move from my side, please. “是的,待在那儿别动,保持安静,不要离开我,求你了。” [01:32.45]He hid the stress in his voice well, but I could hear it. He pulled my long hair forward, around my face. 他很好地隐藏着他声音里的紧张感,但我还是听出来了。他把我的长发拉到前面来,披散在我脸上。