[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:16.22]Hey, Jobs.Get up, man. Wake up.I'm up.I'm up.I'm up.Steve. 嘿 乔布斯,起床了 哥们 醒醒。我醒着,我醒着,我醒着呢。史蒂夫。 [00:51.30]Hey, Daniel. Hey, what's going on? 嗨 丹尼尔 嘿 忙什么呢? [00:54.10]Are you reading Be Here Now? 你在读那本"活在当下"的书吧 [00:55.04]Yeah, it's amazing.I'm reading that right now. It's unbelievable. 是啊 那本书很棒,我正在读 很好看。 [00:58.39]It's the next level. Hey, speaking of Be Here, 它是一本更高层面的书 嗯 既然我们碰上了 [01:01.12]what happened to you last night? Where'd you go? 跟我说说昨天晚上干什么了? 你去哪儿了? [01:03.08]I had to study. I know, I know. 我得上课去了 我知道 我知道 [01:06.15]You know, I'm not dismissing the value of higher education, 你知道的 我不是宣讲"读书无用论" [01:08.52]I'm just saying it comes at the expense of experience. 但是上大学是以丧失实际工作经验为代价的 [01:11.05]The system can only produce the system. 系统化教学的产物就是系统的一部分... [01:13.03]I don't want to be a part of that. Neither should you. 我可不想变成一个死板的书呆子 你也应该如此 [01:15.23]I agree with you. It takes balls to drop out like you did. 我同意你 不过人要有足够胆量才能像你一样休学 [01:18.03]That's why you should. 这就是为什么你也应该休学 [01:19.53]I can't. I mean that... Steven. 我可不行 我是说... 史蒂文 [01:23.04]Might I borrow you for a moment? 能借过跟你聊两句吗? [01:25.27]I'll see you in, see you later. Sure. 打断你们了 再见 一定的 [01:26.41]Thank you. So I hope I'm not interrupting. 谢谢 我希望我没有打断你们的谈兴正浓