[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.22]What about your classes? 你的课程上得怎么样? [00:03.25]I'm not a student anymore, Jack. 我不再是学生了 杰克 [00:05.31]Well, you're here, and you're learning. 呃 你在这里(旁听) 学习 [00:07.04]Sure sounds like a student to me. 于我而言 你跟学生没什么分别 [00:09.19]If you want me gone... 如果你想赶我走... [00:10.55]Why would I want you gone, Steven? 我为什么要赶你走啊 史蒂夫? [00:13.15]I'm glad that you're here. 我很高兴你愿意待在这里 [00:14.31]Whether you're paying or not. 付不付学费都没关系 [00:16.40]Now, you're always carrying this notebook around. 现在 你经常拿个本子闲晃 [00:18.19]You obviously fancy yourself as an artist. 貌似你自诩是个艺术家吧 [00:20.29]Why don't you sit in on some design classes? 为什么不去上个设计类的课程呢? [00:23.05]No. Well, I like the idea of art, the beauty. 不 呃 我喜欢艺术之美 [00:26.24]But only in the right context. 但是仅限于言之有物的那种艺术 [00:27.44]Just not as a career. I don't have the necessary talents. 但是我并不想以此为职业生涯 我没有那种天分 [00:29.42]But aren't you interested in electronics? What about engineering? 但你不是对电子设备感兴趣吗? 工程类课程如何? [00:31.49]There's a growing market for qualified technicians. What about that? 合格的工程师的就业前景看涨 你看这主意怎么样? [00:35.32]I don't want to spend my parents' money to get a degree and become something as forgettable as an electrician. 我不想花我父母的钱去读取一个学位了事 而且不想成为...这么容易被人淡忘的电气工程师 [00:40.34]Excuse me, what,a degree is a waste of time now? So... 等会儿 什么 读取一个学位是虚度光阴? 因此... [00:43.46]For some. 对某些人而言是的 [00:45.16]For others it offers validation. Job security. 对另外一些人而言 它是很有效的证明 工作保证 [00:50.05]Steve... I'll see you around. 史蒂夫... 拜拜 [00:52.19]Steven. 史蒂文 [00:54.00]To be continued. 那下次再聊 [00:57.47]What are you working on? 你在干什么? [01:09.41]Nothing, really. It's homework for calligraphy class. 没什么 书法课的家庭作业而已 [01:14.17]It's beautiful. 很漂亮啊 [01:16.25]Yeah, the teacher's this monk, or something. 是的 这门课的老师是一位僧侣 [01:20.52]A monk? 僧侣? [01:21.50]Yeah. Robert Palladino. 是 他叫罗伯特 帕拉迪诺 [01:24.39]He's totally inspiring. 他的课非常有启发性 [01:31.22]My name's Julie. 对了 我叫茱莉