[00:02.62]Well, Charlie, what a day. Charlie 好长的一天啊 [00:04.94]You almost got us arrested. 你差点让我们被拘留 [00:06.90]I had an awesome time at Spencer's party. 我在Spencer的派对上过得好极了 [00:09.05]And we totally trashed a store. 而且我们彻底毁了一家商店啊 [00:11.57]But amazingly, mom and dad never found out, 但是 最棒的一点是 老爸老妈永远也不会知道 [00:15.04]So I think we got away with it. 所以 我觉得我可以不用管它了 [00:17.26]Teddy, honey, can I ask you a question? Teddy 亲爱的 我可以问你一个问题吗 [00:19.87]Sure, mom. 当然了 妈妈 [00:20.98]Why is charlie's mug shot all over the reddi mart? 为什么Charlie的嫌犯照片在雷迪卖场贴得到处都是 [00:24.05]If I go down, I'm taking you with me. 如果我完了 我会拉上你垫背的 [00:31.48]Good luck, Charlie. 祝你好运吧 Charlie