[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.39]Actually, I did know that, I informed him in a hard voice. This surprised him. “确实,我不清楚这一点,”我用一种生硬的口吻告诉他。这让他大吃一惊。 [00:07.02]But that reputation couldn't be deserved, could it? Because the Cullens never set foot on the reservation, do they? “但那种评价并不值得赞同,对吗?因为卡伦一家根本从未踏入过保留区,对吧?” [00:13.04]I could see that my less than subtle reminder of the agreement that both bound and protected his tribe pulled him up short. 我能看出,我不着痕迹地暗示了那个既束缚了他的部落,也保护着他的部落的协议,顿时阻止了他。 [00:20.50]That's true, he acceded, his eyes guarded. You seem… well informed about the Cullens. More informed than I expected. “这倒是真的。”他同意道,他的眼睛充满了提防。“你似乎……很了解卡伦一家。比我意料之中的还要了解。” [00:31.46]I stared him down. Maybe even better informed than you are. 我俯视着他。“也许比你更熟知内情。” [00:37.38]He pursed his thick lips as he considered that. Maybe. he allowed, but his eyes were shrewd. Is Charlie as well informed? 他仔细地思索着,皱起他厚厚的嘴唇。“也许。”他认可道,但他的眼神很狡猾。“查理也熟知内情吗?” [00:49.23]He had found the weak chink in my armor. 他找到了我的盔甲上脆弱的缝隙。 [00:54.21]Charlie likes the Cullens a lot, I hedged. He clearly understood my evasion. His expression was unhappy, but unsurprised. “查理很喜欢卡伦一家。”我兜着圈子答道。他无疑明白了我在逃避。他的表情很不高兴,但并不讶异。 [01:01.37]It's not my business, he said. But it may be Charlie's. “这与我无关,”他说道。“但这也许和查理有关。” [01:04.55]Though it would be my business, again, whether or not I think that it's Charlie's business, right? “不管我是否认为这与查理有关,这始终是我自己的事,对吗?” [01:12.35]I wondered if he even understood my confused question as I struggled not to say anything compromising. But he seemed to. 我努力不作出任何让步,我想知道他是否理解了我令人困惑的问题。但他似乎明白了。 [01:20.28]He thought about it while the rain picked up against the roof, the only sound breaking the silence. 他思索着,雨水打在屋顶上,成为打破这片沉默的唯一的声音。 [01:26.08]Yes, he finally surrendered. I guess that's your business, too. “是的。”他最终投降了。“我猜这也是你自己的事。” [01:32.15]I sighed with relief. Thanks, Billy. 我如释重负地叹了口气。“谢谢,比利。” [01:34.15]Just think about what you're doing, Bella, he urged. “不过要好好想想你正在做的事,贝拉。”他极力催促道。 [01:42.26]Okay, I agreed quickly. “好吧。”我飞快地赞同道。 [01:43.54]He frowned. What I meant to say was, don't do what you're doing. 他皱起眉。“我的意思是说,不要做你正在做的事。”