[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]One of the latest campaigns to use Bruce Lee's image is one for the Nokia N96 mobile phone 近期用到李小龙形象的是他在诺基亚N96手机广告里 [00:06.13]that features Bruce Lee playing ping pong with nunchucks. 用双节棍打乒乓球 [00:11.26]Since it first appeared in China, 自从在中国开播以来 [00:13.13]it's had more than a million hits on YouTube across the world. 这支广告在YouTube上的全球点击率已经超过百万 [00:19.57]People are still finding ways to put Bruce Lee into new context 人们还在寻求能嵌入李小龙的场合 [00:23.00]like the recent commercial in which someone dressed as Bruce in the inevitable tracksuit 像是近期广告里穿着李小龙标志性连体衫的人 [00:28.15]is playing ping pong using a pair of nunchakus. 用双节棍打乒乓球 [00:29.45]It all just adds to his legacy in its own way and, 这都以各种方式成为他的遗产之一 [00:34.06]you know, sort of passes it on to the next generation. 以某种方式传给下一代 [00:46.45]It's been more than 35 years since Bruce Lee's death, 李小龙去世已经35年多 [00:48.58]but there appears to be no letup in interest, 但对他的兴趣却丝毫未退 [00:51.05]with numerous projects in the pipeline. 还有很多项目在进行中 [00:53.55]These include Hollywood remakes of the Green Hornet, 其中包括好莱坞将翻拍"青蜂侠" [00:56.37]and the '80s cult classic The Last Dragon, 和80年代的经典"决战功夫龙" [00:59.18]as well as a broadway musical and a computer-generated Bruce Lee film 以及百老汇音乐剧和由蜘蛛侠作者Stan Lee执掌的 [01:03.27]in development from Spider-man creator Stan Lee . 李小龙电脑动画 [01:06.26]It's a fictional action movie in which we found a way to have Bruce Lee appear in this movie. 这是一部虚拟动作片 我们想了个招让李小龙在片中重现 [01:15.34]It's Bruce Lee's legacy that was foremost in people's minds when they gathered in Seattle 人们齐聚西雅图纪念他逝世35周年时 [01:25.19]for the 35th anniversary of his death. 首先想到的是他的遗赠 [01:28.27]He's buried alongside his son, 他长眠在儿子墓旁 [01:30.00]Brandon, a rising actor who died in a tragic accident on the set of the film The Crow. 李国豪 在"乌鸦"片场意外身亡的新星 [01:36.51]Bruce Lee's grave has become a Mecca for fans, 李小龙的墓地已成为粉丝们的圣地 [01:40.02]with thousands turning up each year to pay their respects. 每年都有数以千计的人到此缅怀 [01:43.18]Linda and Shannon have returned to celebrate the life of a devoted actor, husband, and father. 琳达和李香凝也回来悼念这位忠诚的演员 丈夫和父亲 [01:50.31]They're joined by more than 400 people 同行者超过400人 [01:53.15]who have traveled from as far a field as Lee's ancestral home of Shunde in China. 其中有远道自李小龙故乡中国顺德而来的影迷