[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.78]Hello, 大家好… [00:03.48]I'm Rory. 我是罗里 [00:04.88]When Tim asked me to be his Best Man, I was terrified. 蒂姆邀请我做他的伴郎时,我吓坏了 [00:11.10]So I thought best thing is to find a book about speeches. And here it is. 我想最好去找一本关于演讲的书,就是它 [00:16.86]And it says think of really funny anecdotes. 上面建议想一些趣闻轶事 [00:21.12]And there is a very hilarious story, actually from work. 的确有一件非常滑稽的事,是在工作上 [00:26.78]It was quite a complicated case based on an issue of 是个错综复杂的案子,是关于… [00:30.51]cross-amortisation of ownership of post-divorce properties and, um... 离婚后财产的所有权的交叉摊销… [00:34.78]Let me just explain the context. The Defendant... 让我先来解释下背景,被告人… [00:39.52]When Tim asked me to do his Best Man speech, my immediate reaction was, 蒂姆邀请我代表伴郎致辞时,我的第一反应是… [00:47.02]"How much are you gonna pay me, you little shit? "I don't write for free, you know." “你会付我多少钱,你个臭小子?我可不是免费的哦” [00:51.32]These were the girls available to him at that time. 这些就是他以前的女朋友们 [00:55.53]"Hello, girls." And this is how far he got with each of them. “哈喽,女孩们”,这就是他跟每位的发展程度 [00:58.39]Let me explain the code. 5, blow job. 我来解释下这个代码,5代表吹箫 [01:02.44]8, full penetrative... 8代表全部插入… [01:06.97]and so a toast 为这个房间里… [01:08.77]to the man with the worst haircut but the best bride in the room. 留着最差劲发型的男人以及最美的新娘干一杯 [01:12.88]Ladies and gentlemen, Tim and Mary. 女士们先生们,蒂姆以及玛丽 [01:15.04]Tim and Mary. 蒂姆以及玛丽 [01:17.56]That's us. 是我们 [01:20.33]I wish I'd said "I love you". 我希望我有说“我爱你” [01:21.89]You did, Dad. 你有说,爸爸 [01:23.66]It was implied. 很含蓄 [01:25.72]I'm not sure "implied" is good enough for a wedding day, are you? 我想“含蓄”对于结婚大喜日子来说并不足够好,对吗? [01:29.59]No, don't do it, it's fine. 不,别那样,很好了 [01:31.94]I'm so happy with it as it was. You really don't have to. 我已经很高兴了,你真的没必要那么做 [01:35.65]I'll do what I wanna do, young man. Will you excuse me for just one moment? 我要做我想做的,小子,你可以稍等我一下吗? [01:39.92]Later on I may tell you about 稍后我可能会告诉你们… [01:45.81]Tim's many failings as a man and as a table tennis player. 蒂姆作为一个男人以及一个乒乓 球玩家的种种缺点 [01:49.76]But, 但是… [01:51.07]important first to say the one 首先要说的一件… [01:53.34]big thing, I've only loved 很重要的事是…我一辈子… [01:58.24]three men in my life. 只爱过三个男人 [02:01.35]My dad was a frosty bugger so that only leaves dear Uncle Desmond, 我老爸是个冷冰冰的家伙,所以只有亲爱的德斯蒙德… [02:06.20]B.B. King, obviously, and this young man here. 灵乐歌手,以及这个小子 [02:12.81]I'd only give one piece of advice to anyone marrying. 对于新人我只有一条建议 [02:17.84]We're all quite similar in the end. 我们所有人到头来其实都一样 [02:21.49]We all get old and tell the same tales too many times. 我们都会变老,并且无数遍地重复同一个故事 [02:24.51]But try and marry someone 但是试着和一个善良的人… [02:27.76]kind. 结婚 [02:30.70]And this is a kind man 这就是个不错的男人… [02:33.72]with a good heart. 有着一颗善良的心 [02:36.26]I'm not particularly proud 我一辈子没有为什么事… [02:39.38]of many things in my life, but I am very proud 感到特别骄傲过,但是我很骄傲… [02:42.47]to be the father of my son. 做我儿子的爸爸