[by:¿É¿ÉÓ¢Óï¡«m.moreplr.com] [00:02.38] Passage 2 Results of a recent Harry 's pool on free time showed that the average work week for many Americans is 50 hours. [00:13.53] With the time spent eating, sleeping and taking care of the household duties, there 's little time left for leisure activities for many Americans. [00:24.37] However, having free time to relax and pursue hobbies is important. [00:30.22] People need time away from the pressures of study or work to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. [00:39.18] In many countries free time is spent in different ways. [00:43.46] The results of a Harry 's pool showed that reading was the most popular spare time activity in the US. [00:51.12] This was followed by watching TV. [00:54.25] In a UK survey on leisure time activities, watching TV and videos was the most popular. [01:01.24] Listening to the radio came second. [01:04.23] In a similar survey conducted in Japan, the most popular free time activity was eating out. [01:11.28] The second most popular activity was driving. [01:15.15] There were also differences in the most popular outdoor pursuits between the three countries. [01:21.37] The most popular outdoor activity for Am ericans was gardening. [01:26.05] In the UK, it was going to the pub. In Japan, going to bars ranked eighth in popularity and gardening ranked ninth. [01:36.37] Although people around the world may enjoy doing similar things in their free time, there 's evidence to suggest that these interests are changing. [01:46.14] In the US, for example, the popularity of computer activities is increasing. [01:52.19] Many more people in the States are spending their free time surfing the web, emailing friends or playing games online. [02:02.22] Question 20 What is the recent Harry Pole about? [02:08.30] Question 21 What was the most popular leisure activity in the US? [02:16.22] Question 22 What was the most popular outdoor pursuit in the UK?