[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01.10]42. My Views on Skyscrapers 我对摩天大楼的看法 [00:16.55]In modern cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, we can find skyscrapers all around us. 在一些诸如北京、上海等的现代化的城市,我们发现周围到处都是摩天大楼。 [00:23.52]The narrow streets and the shabby small houses are disappearing out of our sight. 窄小的街道和破旧的房子已从我们的视野中消失, [00:30.00]People's living standards are getting better and better. 人们的生活水平变得越来越好。 [00:34.37]While we are enjoying the happiness and the convenience the new high buildings bring us, 当我们在享受这些高楼带给我们的喜悦和方便之际, [00:41.11]we find we are far away from nature, we are far away from our neighbors and we are becoming even more lonely. 我们离自然越来越远,离我们的邻居越来越远,我们也变得越来越孤单。 [00:51.19]Skyscrapers make us unable to breathe fresh air, unable to enjoy the sunlight and unable to talk with our neighbors as we used to do. 摩天大楼使得我们无法呼吸到新鲜空气,无法享受到阳光,无法再像从前一样和我们的邻居交谈。 [01:03.08]In some people's eyes, skyscrapers can be regarded as a symbol of social progress, but for me, 在某些人看来,摩天大楼被认为是社会进步的标志,但对于我来说, [01:11.15]I am still longing for the small house where I spent my happy childhood. 我仍然怀念童年住过的小房子。