[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.14]56. Returning Library Books 还书 [00:17.32]Meimei likes reading books. She often goes and borrows books from the school library. 梅梅喜欢读书,她经常去校图书馆借书。 [00:23.52]Though she likes reading, she doesn't take care of her books. 尽管她喜欢读书,但是她并不爱护书。 [00:29.14]She throws them everywhere on the table on the ground; even under her bed. Her roommates often remind her of this, 她把书仍得到处都是,桌子上、地上,甚至床底下。同屋同学提醒她多次, [00:38.02]but she turns a deaf ear to them. 她却置之不理 [00:40.38]Not until yesterday did her bad habit bring her great trouble. 直到昨天她的坏习惯终于给她惹了大麻烦。 [00:45.55]It was the deadline for two books. She looked everywhere but failed to find them. 有两本书昨天到期,可是她哪儿都找不到。 [00:52.24]When her roommates came back and learned that, they began to help her look for the books in the room. 同屋同学回来后,也帮助她一起找。 [00:58.23]Twenty minutes passed without any result. Meimei cried helplessly. 20分钟过去了仍无结果。梅梅无助地哭着。 [01:05.09]It was 4:30 and Meimei had to go to the library, for it closes at 5. 已经是下午4点半了,梅梅必须去图书馆,因为图书馆5点关门。 [01:12.07]As soon as she told the story to the librarian and asked for an extra day with tears, 当她含着眼泪向图书馆员说明情况,并请求宽限一天时, [01:18.32]the librarian looked at her with surprise and said, "What a careless girl! You returned them, yesterday! Don't you remember?" 图书馆员惊讶地看着她说:“真是个粗心的姑娘,书已经还了,就是昨天!记得吗?”