[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.06]Mrs. Philips was quite awed by such an excess of good breeding; but her contemplation of one stranger was soon put an end to by exclamations and inquiries about the other, 这种过分的礼貌使腓力普太太受宠若惊。不过,正当她仔细量着这一位生客的时候,她们姐妹俩却又把另一位生客的事情, [00:08.54]of whom, however, she could only tell her nieces what they already knew, that Mr. Denny had brought him from London, 大惊小怪地提出来向她问长问短,她只得又来回答她们的话,可是她能够说给侄女儿们听的, [00:14.34]and that he was to have a lieutenant's commission in the shire. She had been watching him the last hour, she said, as he walked up and down the street, 也无非是她们早已知道了的一些情形。她说那位生客是丹尼先生刚从伦敦带来的,他将要在某某郡担任起一个中尉的职责,又说, [00:22.35]and had Mr. Wickham appeared, Kitty and Lydia would certainly have continued the occupation, but unluckily no one passed the windows now except a few of the officers, 他刚刚在街上走来走去的时候,她曾经对他望了整整一个钟头之久。这时如果韦翰先生从这儿经过, [00:31.20]who in comparison with the stranger, were become stupid, disagreeable fellows. Some of them were to dine with the Philipses the next day, 吉蒂和丽迪雅一定还要继续张望他一番;可惜现在除了几位军官之外,根本没有人从窗口走过,而这些军官们同韦翰先生一比较, [00:38.43]and their aunt promised to make her husband call on Mr. Wickham, and give him an invitation also, if the family from Longbourn would come in the evening. 都变成一些“愚蠢讨厌的家伙”了。有几个军官明天要上腓力普家里来吃饭。姨母说,倘若她们一家人明天晚上能从浪博恩赶来, [00:46.20]This was agreed to, and Mrs. Philips protested that they would have a nice comfortable noisy game of lottery tickets, and a little bit of hot supper afterwards. 那么她就要打发她的丈夫去拜访韦翰先生一次,约他也来。大家都同意了;腓力普太太说,明天要给她们来一次热闹而有趣的抓彩票的玩艺儿, [00:54.39]The prospect of such delights was very cheering, and they parted in mutual good spirits. Mr. Collins repeated his apologies in quitting the room, 玩过之后再吃一顿晚饭。想到了明天这一场欢乐真叫人兴奋,因此大家分别的时候都很快乐。柯林斯先生走出门来, [01:02.28]and was assured with unwearying civility that they were perfectly needless. 又再三道谢,主人也礼貌周全地请他不必过分客气。 [01:07.07]As they walked home, Elizabeth related to Jane what she had seen pass between the two gentlemen; but though Jane would have defended either or both, 回家的时候,伊丽莎白一路上把刚刚亲眼看见的那两位先生之间的一幕情景说给吉英听。假使他们两人之间真有什么宿怨,吉英一定要为他们两人中间的一人辩护, [01:14.44]had they appeared to be wrong, she could no more explain such behaviour than her sister. 或是为两人辩护,只可惜她跟她妹妹一样,对于这两个人的事情完全摸不着头脑。 [01:20.16]Mr. Collins, on his return, highly gratified Mrs. Bennet by admiring Mrs. Philips's manners and politeness. He protested that except Lady Catherine and her daughter, 柯林斯先生回来之后,大大称赞腓力普太太的殷勤好客,班纳特太太听得很满意。柯林斯说,除了咖苔琳夫人母女之外, [01:30.41]he had never seen a more elegant woman; for she had not only received him with the utmost civility, but had even pointedly included him in her invitation for the next evening, 他生平从来没见过更风雅的女人,因为他虽然和她素昧生平,她却对他礼貌周全,甚至还指明要请他明天一同去吃晚饭。 [01:39.24]although utterly unknown to her before. Something he supposed might be attributed to his connection with them, 他想,这件事多少应该归功于他和她们的亲戚关系。 [01:45.48]but yet he had never met with so much attention in the whole course of his life. 可是这样殷勤好客的事,他还是生平第一次碰到呢。