[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:02.08]It's so many circuits. 这有很多电路板 [00:25.11]Woz? Hey, it's Steve. 沃兹? 嘿 我是史蒂夫 [00:41.41]Thanks for saving my ass. 谢谢你帮忙 [00:46.12]Of course. We're friends. That's, that's what friends do. 没事 我们是朋友 这正是好朋友应该做的 [00:57.30]I just can't work for other people. 我实在没办法给别人打工 [01:04.17]I guess I need my independence. If that makes any sense. 我需要独立行动 如果这事儿合理的话 [01:08.33]Uh-huh. 呃-哈 [01:10.00]That makes perfect sense. 我觉得非常合理 [01:18.13]I'm sorry for ruining your Friday night. 不好意思 大好的周末夜被我毁了 [01:22.08]Are you kidding me? This is great. 你在开玩笑吧? 这事儿很棒 [01:25.29]I'd do this for free. I really would. 我喜欢免费做这件事 真的 [01:29.08]But just out of curiosity, how much are we getting paid? 但是 好奇的是 这个项目我们能拿多少钱? [01:37.53]$700.Some big bucks there.Shit. 700美元,好多啊。靠 [01:52.51]This is good. Really good. 真不错 非常好 [01:56.41]I know. 我知道 [01:57.14]Wow. Four days. You aren't kidding around. 喔 4天就搞定 你真不是盖的 [02:01.49]I'll have to show it to Nolan, but this is, this is good. 我还得给诺兰看一眼 不过这真的很不错