[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:10.54]Woz?Hi. Hi.Woz! 沃兹?嗨 嗨。沃兹! [00:16.47]Hi! Yeah, I'm in the living room. 嗨! 是的 我在客厅里 [00:19.36]Hey. Good news. 嘿 好消息 [00:21.39]Huh? Let me guess, your bosses liked the video game. 呃? 我猜你老板喜欢那个游戏 [00:23.58]They loved it! Ooh. 他们确实喜欢! 哦 [00:26.07]$350. Whew! That's not bad. 350美元! 唉哟 不错的买卖哦 [00:28.35]Not bad? It's great. 不只是不错 简直是超屌 [00:30.34]What are you working on? 你在忙什么呢? [00:33.36]I'm writing jokes for my dial-a-joke machine. 我在给"对话式笑话机器"写笑话 [00:35.39]I've got some really good funny Polish jokes,which work because I'm Polish. 我写出了不少绝对好笑的波兰笑话,因为我是波兰人 [00:39.12]Hang out and tell me what you think of this one. 出去走走 听听这段 你觉得怎么样? [00:40.46]Ready? Ready? 准备好了吗? [00:41.44]What is long, and hard, that a Polish bride gets on her wedding night? 新婚之夜 波兰新娘会得到什么"长而硬"的东东? [00:46.08]A new last name. 一个新的姓氏(从夫姓) [00:51.37]That's hilarious. 蛮好笑的 [00:52.50]Pretty good, isn't it? 不错吧 对不对? [00:53.55]What do you call a beautiful Polish girl? Lucky. 如果你遇见一个漂亮的波兰女孩,你会叫她什么? 幸运妹 [01:02.17]What's that? 那是什么? [01:07.10]Hmm?Oh.That. Now that is gonna be cool. 呣?哦,这个可厉害了 [01:12.05]It's a computer terminal board I'm working on. 这是个我正在研发的"个人电脑终端主板" [01:16.23]Hooks up to the TV for the display. 可以直接连上电视 [01:21.06]What is it like, a kit? What do you mean? 看起来像什么 一个盒子? 你什么意思啊? [01:23.47]Well, well...The code is still buggy,but in theory it'll display whatever you're working on. 呃 呃...代码还有些毛病,理论上 这能在荧幕上即时显示你的操作 [01:54.40]Like...Show me.Show you. Okay.Wow. 例如...弄来看看,给你展示一下 行,哦!