[00:00.00]BBC News Sue Montgomery 苏·蒙哥马利为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:04.40]Divers searching the shipwrecked South Korean ferry have for the first time recovered bodies from inside the vessel. 首次潜水寻找翻船韩国伦敦的潜水员从渡轮内寻找尸体, [00:11.84]Officials said they broke through at last to retrieve three bodies, bringing the number of confirmed dead to 36. 官方称潜水员最后终于找到三具尸体,这样确实死亡人数达到36。 [00:18.47]More than 250 people are still missing, many of them children. 还有250多万仍下落不明,很多都是孩子。 [00:22.56]Strong currents, poor visibility and high waves have been hampering the cooperation. Our correspondent Jonathan Head reports from nearby Jindo. 湍急的水流、可见度差和大浪给搜寻工作带来了难度,记者乔纳森·海德在珍岛附近报道。 [00:31.94]The divers were saying they had attempted 40 times to get to the main parts of the submerged hull, 潜水员称他们至少试了40次来抵达倾覆船体的主要部分, [00:38.37]where they believe most of the passengers are trapped but could not get in because of the currents and poor visibility. 他们称大部分乘客都被困在那里,但因为水流和可见度差无法进入。 [00:43.50]It's a very very big operation, a lot of ships are out then also a lot of divers. 搜寻规模很大,很多船只都赶来,还有很多潜水员。 [00:47.33]And the relatives find it very hard to believe they can make progress for these are very very strong currents out there. 现在海上的波浪很大,亲属们不相信他们能取得进展。 [00:52.93]The ship is lying between 10 and 37 meters below the surface, under it, very treacherous conditions for divers to operate. 这艘渡轮目前位于水面下10到37米,船下的环境对潜水员来说非常危险。 [00:59.15]Dozens of people have been killed in a cattle raid in Warrap state in South Sudan, a local official has said. 当地官员称数十人在南苏丹瓦拉卜州的牧牛突袭中丧生, [01:05.55]The official told South Sudanese media that 28 civilians have been killed. 这位官员告诉南苏丹媒体有28名平民被杀。 [01:10.45]He said police had killed three times as many attackers. Our Africa editor James Copnall reports. 他说警方杀死了三倍多的袭击者,非洲编辑James Copnall报道。 [01:16.43]The full picture about this attack has not yet emerged. However, this sort of incident is depressingly common in South Sudan. 目前尚不清楚这次袭击的全部情况,但是这次事件在南苏丹非常常见。 [01:23.85]Every year, thousands of people die in inter-ethnic clashes and cattle raids, often as part of a deadly cycle of revenge attacks. 每年都有数千人死于种族间冲突和牧牛突袭,这通常都是致命报复袭击的一部分。 [01:31.64]Many civilians are armed and cattle are vital in part, because young men need them as dowries to get married. 很多平民都持有武器,牧牛是导致事件的关键因素,因为年轻人需要牛来作为迎娶的嫁妆。 [01:38.67]It is not yet clear whether the Warrap state incident has any links to South Sudan's civil war. 尚不清楚瓦拉卜州的这件事是否和南苏丹内战有关, [01:43.94]Troops loyal to the former vice president have been fighting the government since December. 去年12月以来,忠于前副总统的军队一直在和政府作战。 [01:48.60]One of Pakistan's best known journalists Hamid Mir has been injured in an attack in Karachi. 巴基斯坦最知名记者Hamid Mir在卡拉奇袭击中受伤, [01:54.07]A police investigator.. said Mr. Mir was on his way to his office when he was shot. 警方调查员称Mir是在去办公室的路上中弹的。 [02:00.16]"According to initial reports, Hamid Mir arrived at the airport using a white car with a guard. “根据最初的报道,Hamid Mir和一名警卫开着一辆白色汽车抵达机场, [02:08.68]He was going to his Karachi office. There was a new bridge near the airport where traffic jam was, the attacker walked up to his car and opened fire. 他准备进入他在卡拉奇的办公室。然后在机场出现交通堵塞的新桥附近,一名袭击者走到他的车前开了枪。 [02:17.50]Mir received three, four bullets. The attacker then used a motorcycle to flee the scene." Mir中了三、四弹,袭击者然后开着摩托车逃离现场。 [02:22.73]It's not known that who carried out the attack, but Mr. Mir's brother says the journalist recently told his family, 尚不清楚是实施的袭击,但Mir的兄弟说这位记者最近告诉家人 [02:28.89]he'd received threats from Pakistan's main intelligence agency, the ISI, because of his views. 自己因为政见收到巴基斯坦主要情报机构ISI的威胁。 [02:34.73]The headmistress of the Nigerian school, from which over 100 school girls were abducted on Monday, 周一尼日利亚有100多名女学生被绑架, [02:41.62]is asking the Nigerian authorities to do more to secure their release. 这所学校的女校长请求尼日利亚当局加大力度来解救这些女孩。 [02:45.92]She also pleaded with the group holding the girls to have mercy on them. Officials say 44 of the girls have escaped their captors and 85 are still missing.World News from the BBC 她还请求劫持女孩的组织怜悯她们。官方称其中有44名女孩已逃脱,还有85人仍下落不明。BBC世界新闻。 [02:59.57]Japan has begun construction work on a military radar station on a Japanese island off Taiwan, in a move likely to anger China. 日本开始在临近台湾的一个日本岛建造军事雷达站,此举可能会惹恼中国。 [03:09.78]The new base on Yonaguni is just 150km from the Japanese-held islands of Senkaku, claimed by China as the Diaoyu Islands. 与那国岛的新基地距离日本的尖阁群岛也就是中国所说的钓鱼岛只有150公里。 [03:19.84]Correspondents say it could give Japan the ability to expand surveillance to near the Chinese mainland. 记者称该基地将使得日本加大对中国大陆监控的能力, [03:25.72]The Japanese Defence Minister suggested his country's military presence could be extended to other islands in the seas southwest of mainland Japan. 日本防卫大臣称本国的驻军可能扩大到日本本土西南部海域上的其他岛屿。 [03:34.97]Four French journalists who were kidnapped in Syria by Islamist militants last June have been freed. 去年6月在叙利亚被伊斯兰武装分子绑架的4名法国记者现已获释, [03:41.53]They were found blindfolded and with their hands bound by Turkish soldiers on the border with Syria. 有人在边境发现他们被土耳其士兵蒙着眼、绑着双手。 [03:47.57]One of the four, Didier Francois, said it was very nice to see the sky again after long months in captivity. 其中一名Didier Francois说在几个月被囚后很高兴再次看到蓝天, [03:53.34]The brother of hostage Nicolas Henin Sheron told the BBC they'd not suffered physical ill-treatment. 被绑架者Nicolas Henin Sheron的兄弟告诉BBC他们没有受到身体虐待。 [03:59.84]“There were certainly moments of great loneliness and despair. “他们当然经历了严重的孤独和绝望, [04:03.68]But you know despite that, I think the moment of the release seems to overcome all of these and finally it has enough resilience, then it seems like again, go back to normal hopefully.” 但尽管如此,我认为释放的那刻似乎克服了所有这一切,这种坚韧使得他们有希望恢复正常生活。” [04:17.34]Two people have died in Saudi Arabia of the severe respiratory virus known as MERS. 沙特有两人死于名为中东呼吸系统综合征(MERS)的严重呼吸病毒, [04:22.60]The deaths bring to 76, the overall number of people who've died of the virus. 这样死于该病毒的全部人数达到76。 [04:26.65]The new deaths took place in the Kingdom's second largest city of Jeddah in the west, 新的死亡病例发生在这个王国的第二大城市吉达, [04:31.29]raising fears that the virus has started spreading from its concentration point in the east. 这让人们担心这种病毒开始从东部的集中点开始蔓延。 [04:36.17]Colombia will pay tribute to the man many considered to be the country's greatest son, the author Gabriel García Márquez. 哥伦比亚向被誉为该国最伟大儿子的作家加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯致敬, [04:43.52]In a ceremony at the national cathedral in Bogota on Tuesday, President Juan Manuel Santos will attend. 周二在波哥大举行国家大教堂举行的仪式上,总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯将出席。 [04:49.48]But it's not clear whether Gabriel García Márquez's relatives will be present.His family will attend a memorial ceremony in Mexico City on Monday. 但尚不清楚马尔克斯的亲属是否参加,他的家人将于周一参加墨西哥市举行的追悼会。BBC新闻。