[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.26]MR. COLLINS was not left long to the silent contemplation of his successful love; for Mrs. Bennet, having dawdled about in the vestibule to watch for the end of the conference, 柯林斯先生独自一个人默默地幻想着美满的姻缘,可是并没有想上多久,因为班纳特太太一直待在走廊里混时间, [00:09.31]no sooner saw Elizabeth open the door and with quick step pass her towards the staircase, than she entered the breakfast room, 等着听他们俩商谈的结果,现在看见伊丽莎白开了门,匆匆忙忙走上楼去, [00:15.54]and congratulated both him and herself in warm terms on the happy prospect of their nearer connection. Mr. Collins received and returned these felicitations with equal pleasure, 她便马上走进饭厅,热烈地祝贺柯林斯先生,祝贺她自己,说是他们今后大有亲上加亲的希望了。柯林斯先生同样快乐地接受了她的祝贺, [00:25.44]and then proceeded to relate the particulars of their interview, with the result of which he trusted he had every reason to be satisfied, 同时又祝贺了她一番,接着就把他跟伊丽莎白刚才的那场谈话,一五一十地讲了出来,说他有充分的理由相信, [00:32.10]since the refusal which his cousin had stedfastly given him would naturally flow from her bashful modesty and the genuine delicacy of her character. 谈话的结果很令人满意,因为他的表妹虽然再三拒绝,可是那种拒绝,自然是她那羞怯淑静和娇柔细致的天性的流露。 [00:40.30]This information, however, startled Mrs. Bennet; 这一消息可叫班纳特太太吓了一跳。 [00:43.24]she would have been glad to be equally satisfied that her daughter had meant to encourage him by protesting against his proposals, 当然,要是她的女儿果真是口头上拒绝他的求婚,骨子里却在鼓励他,那她也会同样觉得高兴的, [00:49.23]but she dared not to believe it, and could not help saying so. 可是她不敢这么想,而且不得不照直说了出来。 [00:53.37]But depend upon it, Mr. Collins, she added, that Lizzy shall be brought to reason. I will speak to her about it myself directly. 她说:“柯林斯先生,你放心吧,我会叫丽萃懂事一些的。我马上就要亲自跟她谈谈。 [01:01.30]She is a very headstrong foolish girl, and does not know her own interest; but I will make her know it. 她是个固执的傻姑娘,不明白好歹;可是我会叫她明白的。” [01:08.32]Pardon me for interrupting you, Madam, cried Mr. Collins; but if she is really headstrong and foolish, “对不起,让我插句嘴,太太,”柯林斯先生叫道:“要是她果真又固执又傻, [01:16.03]I know not whether she would altogether be a very desirable wife to a man in my situation, who naturally looks for happiness in the marriage state. 那我就不知道她是否配做我理想的妻子了,因为象我这样地位的人,结婚自然是为了要幸福。 [01:23.58]If therefore she actually persists in rejecting my suit, perhaps it were better not to force her into accepting me, because if liable to such defects of temper, 这么说,如果她真拒绝我的求婚,那倒是不要勉强她好,否则,她脾气方面有了这些缺点, [01:34.29]she could not contribute much to my felicity. 她对于我的幸福决不会不什么好处。” [01:37.38]Sir, you quite misunderstand me, said Mrs. Bennet, alarmed. Lizzy is only headstrong in such matters as these. In every thing else she is as good natured a girl as ever lived. 班纳特太太吃惊地说:“先生,你完全误会了我的意思,丽萃不过在这类事情上固执些,可是遇到别的事情,她的性子再好也没有了。 [01:48.15]I will go directly to Mr. Bennet, and we shall very soon settle it with her, I am sure. 我马上去找班纳特先生,我们一下子就会把她这个问题谈妥的,我有把握。” [01:53.16]She would not give him time to reply, but hurrying instantly to her husband, called out as she entered the library, Oh! Mr. Bennet, you are wanted immediately; 她不等他回答,便急忙跑到丈夫那儿去,一走进他的书房就嚷道:“噢,我的好老爷,你得马上出来一下; [02:02.12]we are all in an uproar. You must come and make Lizzy marry Mr. Collins, for she vows she will not have him, 我们闹得天翻地覆了呢。你得来劝劝丽萃跟柯林斯先生结婚,因为她赌咒发誓不要他; [02:08.17]and if you do not make haste he will change his mind and not have her. 假如你不赶快来打个圆场,他就要改变主意,反过来不要她了。”