[by:¿É¿ÉÓ¢Óï¡«m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]While armed forces are not being ordered to Nigeria, the U.S. has dispatched a team of law enforcement and military personnel skilled in intelligence and hostage negotiations. [00:09.21]President Obama telling ABC News the priority is finding and rescuing the near 300 teenage girls kidnapped from a Nigerian school nearly a month ago by the terror group Boko Haram. [00:20.43]This may be the event that helps to mobilize the entire international community to finally do something against this horrendous organization. [00:30.46]Boko Haram's leader, in a widely circulated video, has vowed to sell the girls into slavery. [00:36.30]In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.