[by:¿É¿ÉÓ¢Óï¡«m.moreplr.com] [00:00.23]Kids working U.S. tobacco fields are getting maimed by farm equipment and poisoned by pesticides and nicotine, says Human Rights Watch. But nobody's done anything wrong. [00:08.98]Most of what we documented for this report was perfectly legal under U.S. law. [00:13.38]Margaret Wurth co-authored the study, saying kids working all sorts of farms have no protection¨C not physical nor legal. [00:19.67]At the age of 12, a child can work unlimited hours on a farm of any size with their parents permission. [00:26.13]And, for most other jobs, kids have to be 16. [00:29.18]She says both the industry and government need to make changes. [00:32.56]Eben Brown, FOX News Radio