[00:00.00]BBC News with Marion Marshall 马里恩·马歇尔为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.16]The ceasefire in South Sudan signed on Friday between President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar has come into effect. 南苏丹总统萨拉瓦·基尔和叛军领袖Riek Machar周五签署的停火协议已经生效, [00:10.83]The spokesman for President Kiir has told the BBC that the government troops reserve the right to return fire in self-defense if rebels breach the agreement. 总统基尔的发言人告诉BBC,如果叛军违反协议,政府军将保有回击自卫的权利。 [00:19.64]However, Ateny Wek Ateny said the South Sudanese government was not planning for any problems. 然而,发言人说南苏丹政府没有对任何问题作出计划, [00:24.98]He went on to say that it was down to the rebel leader Riek Machar to rebuild the trust lost during the five-month conflict. 他说修复五个月冲突期间失去的信任要取决于叛军领袖Riek Machar。 [00:32.01]Whether the government that is going to be formed in South Sudan, 南苏丹是否准备组建政府, [00:36.04]the fact is that you know the gap now between the leaders, especially the rebel leader and his commanders. 事实上你们知道领导人之间的鸿沟,尤其是叛军领袖和他的指挥官们。 [00:46.58]And the people are so right, so this is something that the rebel the rebellion will have to build, 政府方面没有问题,而叛军方面却需要重建一些东西, [00:53.12]they have to build the trust if they had, to remain in the political as a spectral means in South Sudan. 如果叛军希望在南苏凡获得政治影响,就必须重建信任。 [00:57.48]Residents of Northeastern Nigeria say suspected members of the Islamist group Boko Haram have blown up a bridge near the area where more than 200 schoolgirls were abducted almost a month ago. 尼日利亚东北部居民称在一个月前200多名女学生遭绑架的地区附近,伊斯兰博科圣地嫌疑分子炸毁了一座桥梁。 [01:08.13]Mark Doyle reports from Abuja. 马克·道尔在阿布贾报道。 [01:10.33]The latest bridge to be blown up is on a key highway between two of Nigeria's northeastern states worst hit by the insurgency. 这座被炸毁的桥梁位于连接尼日利亚东北部最受叛军骚扰的两个州的高速公路上, [01:18.36]A man who lived near this bridge said most of the buildings around it had also been burnt down. 一名居住在桥边的居民说,桥梁附近的几乎全部建筑都被炸毁。 [01:24.36]Two days before this, another bridge on the edge of the area where the girls were taken was also destroyed, 就在两天前,该地区的另一座桥梁也被毁, [01:30.65]reliable sources said Boko Haram fighters arrived in the area where a busy market was being held and opened fire indiscriminately before destroying the bridge. 可靠消息称博科圣地武装分子抵达这个有着热闹市场的地区,然后肆意开枪并毁掉大桥。 [01:41.76]A total of nearly 300 people were killed in this single incident. 这次事件中有近300人丧生。 [01:46.65]The First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, has described the abduction as an Unconscionable act. 美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马称绑架事件是不合情理的行为。 [01:52.45]Thousands of unidentified remains of those killed in the 9/11 attacks have been returned to the World Trade Center site in New York. 911袭击中数千身份不明死者的遗体已被送回纽约世贸中心旧址, [02:00.13]The remains draped with the American flag were transferred to a repository 20m below the building. 这些遗体上盖着美国国旗,被转移到大楼下面20米处的仓库。 [02:06.30]A relative of one of the victims, Jim Caffrey said the families should have been consulted. 一名遇难者的亲属吉姆·凯弗雷说应该事先征求家属的意见。 [02:11.24]I think the decision to put the human remains of the 9/11 dead in the basement of the 9/11 Museum is just inheritedly disrespectful and totally offensive. 我认为将911遇难者遗体放在911博物馆地下室这个决定非常无礼且让人反感, [02:23.89]Equally disgraceful is the fact that family members through this whole process have had virtually no input as the hall, the remains of their loved ones would be interred. 无礼的是家属根本没有参与到整个过程中来,然后他们亲人的遗体就被埋葬了。 [02:34.51]For a second day, Syrians have been returning to the devastated old city of Homs after rebel fighters withdrew from districts that held for two years. 在叛军从古城霍姆斯占领两年的城区撤离后两天来,叙利亚人开始回到被蹂躏的这些地区。 [02:43.02]Syrian television showed thousands of people walking through the ruins with many trying to retrieve any belongings that might remain in their houses. 叙利亚电视台显示数千人在废墟之间走过,很多人试图寻找房里可能硕果仅存的物品。 [02:50.81]But an opposition activist told the BBC that the people were from one mainly Christian district.World News from the BBC 但反对派活动人士告诉BBC,这些人来自一个主要是基督徒为主的城区。BBC世界新闻。 [02:59.53]Government supporters in Thailand have warned of a civil war if their opponents impose an unelected government on the country. 泰国政府支持者警告说,如果反对派强行组建未经选举的政府,就会发生内战的危险。 [03:07.05]The warning came during a mass rally on the outskirt of Bangkok to protest against the dismissal of the Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and nine of her ministers. 这一警告是在曼谷郊区的大规模集会中做出的,这场集会意在抗议总理英拉·西那瓦和她的9位部长被解雇一事。 [03:16.21]The protesters' leaders also called for a restraint. 抗议领袖还呼吁保持克制。 [03:19.14]The government of Mexico has started to swear in vigilantes for its newly created rural police force. 墨西哥政府开始为新成立的农村警察队伍的义务警员举行宣誓仪式, [03:25.87]The move is designed to bring under official control the self-defense groups fighting a Knights Templar drugs cartel.Our America's editor E C has more. 此举意在将自卫队伍纳入官方控制之下,从而打击圣殿骑士团贩毒团伙。BBC驻美国编辑报道。 [03:35.40]The Mexican government has set its deadline for Saturday and says those who've not registered their weapons by then will be arrested, 墨西哥政府将最后期限设为周六,称没有登记武器的人将被逮捕, [03:42.97]but many vigilantes are refusing to join, preferring to keep their autonomy and their illegal guns. 但很多义务警员拒绝加入,他们更愿意保持自治并保有武器。 [03:49.20]The self-defense groups claimed they have been more successful than the security forces in fighting the Knights Templars, effectively pushing them out of some areas. 这些自卫组织称在打击圣殿骑士团的斗争中他们比安全部队更成功,他们曾有效地将贩毒团伙赶出一些地区。 [03:58.85]The government says some of the groups have turned to crime. 政府称一些组织开始从事犯罪活动, [04:02.37]It also remains to be seen how the new rural force will work alongside regular police officers, some of whom seek bribes from the cartels. 目前还要观察新的农村队伍将如何与常规警察一道工作,其中一些警察从贩毒团伙那里接受行贿。 [04:10.64]The South African Electoral Commission has announced the final results of Wednesday's general election. 南非选举委员会宣布周三大选的最终结果, [04:16.19]It said the governing African National Congress won just over 62% of the vote, the Democratic Alliance came second with a little over 22%. 称执政的非洲国民大会获得62%的支持率,民主联盟第二,支持率22%。 [04:24.68]The country's President Jacob Zuma said the result was a clear vote of confidence in the ANC. 南非总统雅各布·祖玛说该结果表明国民大会获得明确支持。 [04:31.06]Singers from 26 countries have taken part in the Eurovision Song Contest in the Danish capital, Copenhagen. 来自26个国家的歌手参加了在丹麦首都哥本哈根举行的欧洲歌唱大赛, [04:38.71]A bearded drag queen, the Austrian singer Conchita Wurst has become one of the favorites, despite a petition against her in her own country. 留络腮胡的奥地利变装皇后肯奇塔·沃斯特夺得冠军,尽管在奥地利有人提出请愿反对他。 [04:47.23]The current crisis in Ukraine is expected to feature, 乌克兰目前的危机是一大亮点, [04:50.93]the Russian participants, the Tolmachevy Sisters were jeered on Tuesday when they made it to the final.BBC News 俄罗斯参加者托马邪维姊妹在周二进入决赛后遭人嘲笑。BBC新闻。