[00:00.00]BBC News with David Austin. 戴维·奥斯丁为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.15]Two explosions in the Nigerian city of Jos have caused a large number of casualties. 尼日利亚城市乔斯的两起爆炸案导致大量伤亡, [00:08.31]The BBC has been told scores have died while an official of the Nigerian National Emergency Management Agency told the French news agency there were at least 118 victims. BBC得知有多人死亡,尼日利亚国家应急管理机构一名官员告诉当地的法国新闻机构至少有118名受害者。 [00:19.64]President Goodluck Jonathan condemned the attack and said he remained committed to fighting terrorism. Will Ross reports. 总统古德勒克·乔纳森谴责袭击事件,称他仍继续打击恐怖主义。威尔·罗斯报道。 [00:26.23]The area that was targeted was a busy market. 遇袭地区是个热闹的市场, [00:28.85]When the victims of the first blast were being taken to the nearby hospital, the second bomb was detonated. 当第一次爆炸的受害者被送往附近医院时,第二枚炸弹爆炸了。 [00:34.25]Both had been concealed in vehicles. There were scenes of chaos as people tried to help the injured. 两枚炸弹都是被藏在车辆中,人们试图帮助受伤者,现场一片混乱, [00:39.53]Body parts were strewn across the area. 到处都是肢体部位。 [00:41.81]Although it's not known who carried out the attack the Islamist extremist group known as Boko Haram has targeted Jos City before, 尽管尚不清楚是谁实施的袭击,伊斯兰极端组织博科圣地以前袭击过乔斯市, [00:48.51]bombing several churches in what was then seen as efforts to ferment religious violence. 曾经为了鼓动宗教暴力而轰炸过几个教堂。 [00:53.07]Thailand's caretaker prime minister Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan has called for fresh elections, following a declaration of martial law by the army. 泰国临时总统尼瓦塔隆·汶颂派讪呼吁重新选举,此前军方宣布实施军事管制。 [01:02.36]There are troops on the streets, but a senior opposition leader has promised to keep up the fight. Michael Bristle reports. 大街上都是部队,但反对派一名高级领导人承诺一直战斗,迈克尔报道。 [01:09.11]In the early hours of the morning, and without informing the caretaker government, soldiers moved onto the streets of the Thai capital Bangkok. 当天上午,在没有通知临时政府的前提下,士兵们来到泰国首都曼谷的大街上。 [01:17.10]The army said it wasn't a coup - just martial law that would give rival political groups the space to resolve their differences. 军方称这不是政变,而是军事管制给了敌对的政治组织解决分歧的空间。 [01:25.12]But by the end of the day, not much seem to have changed. 但在当天结束之前,似乎没有看到什么改变。 [01:28.89]The caretaker prime minister was still as before calling for earlier elections 临时总统仍像之前那样呼吁提前选举, [01:33.94]and the opposition said martial law would not stop its six-month campaign to oust the government. 反对派称军事管制不能阻止其驱逐政府的为期六个月的运动。 [01:39.90]A jury in Moscow has found all five defendants guilty of organizing and carrying out the murder of Anna Politkovskaya in 2006. 莫斯科一个陪审团发现5名被告都参与了2006年策划并谋杀安娜·波利特科夫斯卡娅的案件。 [01:48.90]Mrs. Politkovskaya was a Russian investigative reporter and vocal critic of the Kremlin. From Moscow, Richard Cameron reports. 波利特科夫斯卡娅曾是俄罗斯的调查记者,也是克里姆林宫直言不讳的批评者。理查德·卡梅隆在莫斯科报道。 [01:56.18]Anna Politkovskaya was a fearless investigative journalist whose reports on human rights violations in Chechnya brought applauses and prizes from across the world. 安娜·波利特科夫斯卡娅曾是无畏的调查记者,她报道了车臣的人权侵犯问题,获得全世界的赞赏和嘉奖。 [02:06.54]But she was also a fierce critic of President Putin, and her powerful enemies were not just in Chechnya but in Moscow. 但她也是普京总统的激烈批评者,她强大的敌人不仅车臣有,莫斯科也有。 [02:13.18]When she was shot dead in 2006, there was an international outcry. 当她2006年被枪杀时,国际上对此发出谴责。 [02:18.08]Four of the five guilty men come from one Chechen family, three brothers and an uncle. 5名罪犯中有4个来自同一个车臣家庭,是三个兄弟和一个叔叔。 [02:24.01]The fifth is a former policeman who tracked her and provided the weapon. 第五个人时追踪她并提供武器的前警察。 [02:28.26]The White House says the CIA will no longer use vaccination programs as a cover for spying operations. 白宫称中情局不再使用疫苗项目作为间谍活动的掩护, [02:33.91]The decision comes after complaints from American medical professionals about the agency's use of a public health program in Pakistan in its hunt for Osama bin Laden. 此前美国医学专家抱怨称该机构在巴基斯坦使用公共医疗项目来追捕奥萨马·本拉登。 [02:43.02]In 2011, the CIA attempted to obtain DNA samples of children that they believed to be related to bin Laden through a hepatitis vaccination program. 2011年,中情局试图通过肝炎免疫项目获得据悉与本拉登有关的儿童DNA样本。 [02:51.67]Since then, the Pakistani Taliban have targeted polio vaccination campaigns.World News from the BBC. 自此后,巴基斯坦塔利班一直攻击脊髓灰质炎疫苗项目。BBC世界新闻。 [02:59.67]Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina are observing a period of national mourning for the more than 40 people killed in the worst flooding for more than a century. 塞尔维亚和波斯尼亚―黑塞哥维亚为在一个多世纪以来最大洪灾中丧生的40多人举行全国哀悼, [03:08.90]Emergency teams are waiting for flood waters to recede in many towns and villages to assess the full extent of the casualties. 应急小组在等待多个城镇和村庄的洪水退去,从而评估伤亡的情况。 [03:15.57]From a Serbian town of Obrenovac, Guardian Nornet reports. 记者在塞尔维亚城市奥布雷诺瓦茨报道。 [03:19.47]Despite good weather over the past three days, the flood waters still haven't receded. 尽管过去三天天气不错,但洪水仍没有退去。 [03:24.97]In Bosnia, bloated animal carcasses are floating in inundated fields. 在波斯尼亚,肿胀的动物尸体漂浮在洪水泛滥的田地里。 [03:30.00]The government says it needs mobile incinerators to prevent disease as temperatures rise. 政府称需要用焚化炉来防止气温升高时出现疾病。 [03:35.42]But the main challenge may start when the towns dry out and the size of the reconstruction job could be enormous. 但主要的困难可能是在这些城镇变干时,那时重建工作将是非常庞大的。 [03:42.69]And there's still a possibility of fresh floods. 目前仍有可能再次发洪水, [03:45.88]Authorities in Serbia are bracing themselves for searchers on the Danube and Sava rivers. 塞尔维亚当局在准备在多瑙河和萨瓦河进行搜寻。 [03:51.55]The United States has imposed sanctions on 12 Russians accusing them of human rights abuses. 美国向12名据悉有人权侵犯行为的俄罗斯人实施制裁, [03:57.21]The 12 include prison officials that the US says withheld medical care from a man who uncovered a tax fraud in Russia. 这12人包括监狱官员,他们不给一名曝光俄罗斯逃税案的男子提供医疗服务。 [04:04.71]In a statement, the US Treasury Department said the sanctions would freeze any US assets held by the individuals and bar Americans from doing business with them. 美国财政部在声明中说制裁将冻结这些人在美国的资产,并禁止美国人和他们做生意。 [04:13.73]An international organization working for better medical care says it's opened discussions with several unnamed oil producing African countries about introducing a special levy on oil to create a pan-African health fund. 一个致力于医疗服务的国际组织称已开始与几个产石油的非洲国家进行协商,协商事宜是对石油实施一种特殊的附加费,从而建立泛非洲医疗基金。 [04:26.98]UNITAID said the idea was to raise a small 10% levy on every barrel of the oil produced to be taken from government revenues. 国际药品采购机制称希望由政府财政对出产的每桶石油征收10%的附加费。 [04:34.55]Cuba's best known dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez says she will launch an online newspaper on Wednesday with daily news about the communist-run country. 古巴最知名的异见博主桑切斯称她周三将启动在线报纸,对这个共产主义国家的进行每日报道。 [04:44.26]But Sanchez said the website will not be a platform against the government,it's aim is to provide essential information to Cubans. 但桑切斯称这个网站并不是反政府的平台,其目的是提供对古巴人来说重要的信息。 [04:51.91]The paper, which will be called Catorce y Medio, will be produced in Cuba.BBC NEWS 这个将命名为Catorce y Medio的报纸将在古巴出版。BBC新闻。