[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.99]Hey, ready for your basketball game? 小伙子 准备好去参加篮球赛了吗 [00:03.89]Do I have to go? 我必须得去吗 [00:06.04]All we ever do is lose. 我们一直都是输 [00:07.43]That is not true.Sometimes you forfeit. 那可不对啊,有时候你们是丧失资格 [00:12.65]Oh, honey, it's important to think positive. 哦宝贝 乐观自信是很重要的 [00:15.26]True, you've lost 11 games in a row and you're dead last in the league, but-- 确实 你们已经连输了十一场,基本上在联赛里算是垫底了。不过嘛 [00:20.79]I don't know where I'm going with this. 我也不知道想出什么好话来安慰你了 [00:24.53]Bad news, Gabe. 坏消息 盖比 [00:25.38]I can't coach your game today.Just got an emergency extermination call. 我今天不能给你们比赛当教练了,刚接到一个紧急除害电话 [00:29.09]What's the big emergency? 是什么大紧急事件呀 [00:30.11]Ladybug infestation. 瓢虫出没 [00:32.32]Aww. 好可爱 [00:32.95]Oh, sure, one's cute.Thousands-- unspeakable horror. 那是,一只小瓢虫很讨喜。成千上万那可就是极端恐怖的大灾难了 [00:39.59]So I guess without a coach,we won't be able to play our game today. 那我看既然比赛没有教练,我们今天就不用比了吧 [00:45.31]Hey, wait a minute. I can coach. 喂 等一下,我可以当教练呀 [00:48.04]That's cute, honey,but coaching's a little more complicated than you might think. 哦呵呵,真是可爱的想法,亲爱的,不过做教练这回事比你想像中可能要复杂一点点 [00:53.05]Oh, honey, I can lose just as good as you can. 哎哟,亲爱的,我顶多也就跟你输的一样惨嘛 [00:57.40]What am I saying? I can't coach. 我在说什么呀?我是不能去当教练 [00:59.57]I have Mommy & Me with Charlie. 我还得带查莉去上亲子联谊会呢 [01:01.60]I could take Charlie to Mommy & Me. 我可以带查莉去亲子会呀 [01:03.57]Honey, that's cute, but Mommy & Me is a little more complicated than you might think. 亲爱的,真是可爱的想法。不过亲子班这回事比你想象中可能要复杂一点点 [01:10.12]Actually, it's really not. You go ahead and take her. 其实根本不复杂,你带她去参加就好了 [01:13.40]All right, honey, looks like you're in. 好了,亲爱的,看来你决心加入了 [01:15.63]Here's the playbook. 这是教练手册 [01:16.85]Now this might be a little over your head,so just do your best. 现在要你记全有点太强人所难,所以你只要尽力而为就可以了 [01:21.42]Xs are our team. Os are the other guys. 攻组是我们队,守组是其他的那些人 [01:24.16]Okay, the xs have lost 11 games in a row, right? 得了吧,攻组不是连输11场了吗 [01:26.94]Right. 说的对 [01:28.21]We're gonna be the os this week. 我们这礼拜就转型防守吧