[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.05]We come flying out over the curb... 我们冲出医院门口… [00:02.56]and your old red Charger is there. But it's new. Brand-new. 你的宝贝古董小红车停在那里 但它很新,新的发亮 [00:07.18]And I pick you up... 我抱起你… [00:09.49]and somehow you hardly weigh anything. I can't explain it. 不知怎么的,你几乎没啥重量 我无法解释 [00:17.55]Leave it! We don't need it! 别管它!我们不需要它了! [00:22.37]Water. I need water. 水,我需要水 [00:27.89]Where are we going? - The river. 我们要去哪? -河边 [00:36.92]And we have to take Glenville to avoid traffic... 我们走外环道… [00:39.37]because the damn church people drive too slow. 因为城里塞车太严重了 [01:23.10]And as we get close to the river... 随着我们愈来愈接近河畔…