[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01.01]He's here! 他来了! [00:04.05]we see that everybody is already there. 就看到大家早就到了 [00:23.03]And I mean... 我说的是… [00:026.53]...everyone. 每一个人 [00:40.74]It's unbelievable. 真是不可思议 [00:43.17]The story of my life. 我一生的故事 [00:56.07]The strange thing is, there's not a sad face to be found. 怪的是,没有人有哀戚的表情 [00:58.88]Everyone is just so glad to see you... 大家都很高兴看到你… [01:02.61]and send you off right. 来跟你道别 [01:05.45]Goodbye, everybody! Farewell! Adieu! 大家再见,再见了!再会! [01:22.00]My girl in the river. 我河中的女郎