[00:00.81]Vivian Maier was a children's nanny from Chicago. 薇薇安·迈尔生前是芝加哥的一位保姆。 [00:03.22]She died 5 years ago, an 83-year old with no heirs and barely a dollar to her name. 五年前,薇薇安去世,享年83岁,没有子女,没有遗产。 [00:08.23]She was also a hoarder. 她同时也是一个收藏家, [00:09.63]And inside hundreds of boxes were over 150,000 undeveloped negatives from a camera she carried everywhere. 随身携带照相机拍照,因此她的几百个盒子中有超过15万个未冲洗的底片。 [00:16.79]Now discovered, the images make up a vast archive of street photography and portraits. 这些照片构成了街拍和人物肖像照的大资料库。 [00:22.44]And Vivian Maier is becoming regarded as a great American photographer of the 20th century. 薇薇安·迈尔被逐渐公认为20世纪伟大的摄影师。 [00:27.85]Her story has been documented by the film maker Charlie Siskel. 电影制片人Charlie Siskel记录了她的故事。 [00:31.78]Well, Vivian was a nanny. 薇薇安是一位保姆, [00:35.64]She was a babysitter and sometimes a maid and at other points in her life to care of the elderly. 大部分工作是照顾小孩,有时也做些家务,还有一段时间伺候老人。 [00:41.79]But that was her public self. 但这只是她在大家眼里的形象。 [00:44.70]Privately, she was a brilliant artist who year after year, decade after decade was creating over 150,000 incredible images. 其实她在私底下是一名有才气的艺术家。日复一日,年复一年,她拍摄出超过15万张极佳的照片。 [00:56.76]What struck you most in terms of what she shot and what she was interested in and what kind of stories she was telling? 就她的拍摄作品,她的兴趣点以及她所讲述的故事来说,哪一点最能打动你? [01:04.07]She had a particular knack for capturing street life, in particular a seedier side of life, people on the fringes of society. 她对拍摄街头生活,特别是社会底层、社会边缘人们的生活有独到的技巧。 [01:14.66]And I think Vivian felt like an outsider. 我觉得薇薇安把自己当作一个局外人。 [01:18.27]And I think she had a natural empathy for those people who like herself were forgotten and a bit invisible. 她对于那些像她一样被遗忘和忽视的人有天然的同情心。 [01:27.08]Because she was an outsider, 因为她就是个局外人, [01:29.13]I mean here she is living with these families, and yet she is not part of the family. 她在美国和主人家住在一起,却不是家庭的一份子。 [01:33.78]So I think she really trained herself as a kind of spy. 所以我认为她在有意把自己培养为暗中观察的人。 [01:38.29]She described herself as the mystery woman and really cultivated her ability to see people as they really are. 她把自己定义为神秘女人,培养自己对人的洞察力。 [01:45.44]She was a force of nature. 她做这件事的动机是很自然的, [01:47.23]She was very engaged in the world. 她很积极地参与世事, [01:50.07]And she was a kind of guerilla journalist both in terms of photo journalism, her photography and audio recordings where she would interview people. 就像一个流动工作的记者,无论是在摄影方面,还是在采访录音方面。 [02:01.90]She kept all of these things to herself. 她的作品只有自己能看到, [02:04.08]She kept things very much to herself. 没有对外公开。 [02:06.76]She didn't over share as many of us do now. 她不像现在的我们一样时刻都在分享。 [02:10.32]Especially in terms of photography, you know, 特别是摄影方面, [02:12.72]she kept her photographs private whereas the rest of us post every photograph of every meal we eat and every sunset we see on Facebook and Instagram. 她的作品都是给自己看的,相反,我们把无论是吃饭的照片还是日落的照片都发在Facebook和Instagram上面。 [02:21.51]So the film when I began working on it, I thought that it was a story of a nanny who somehow happened to take these incredible photographs 所以,当我开始拍摄这部电影时,我就认为这是一个保姆恰好有天分拍摄绝佳照片的故事。