[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:01.06]Hey, Joe, what do ya know? 乔,真没想到 [00:47.11]David, I often felt a sort of envy of human beings of that thing they called "pirit." 我很羡慕人类能够拥有灵魂 [00:54.28]Human beings had created a million explanations of the meaning of life in art, in poetry, in mathematical formulas 他们对人生意义有百万种解释.透过艺术、诗歌、数学公式 [01:01.45]Certainly, human beings must be the key to the meaning of existence. 人类一定是生存意义的关键 [01:06.08]But human beings no longer existed.So we began a project... 但是人类不再存在.所以我们进行一项计划 [01:12.23]that would make it possible to recreate the living body of a person long dead... 利用骨骼或皮肤残留的基因 [01:16.26]from the D.N.A. In a fragment of bone or mummified skin. 复制一个人活生生的身体 [01:20.30]We also wondered, would it be possible to retrieve a memory trace in resonance with a recreated body? 我们也想知道能不能...从复制人身上找回他的记忆? [01:27.25]And you know what we found? We found the very fabric of space-time itself... 你知道我们发现什么吗?时空轨迹 [01:34.51]appeared to store information...about every event which had ever occurred in the past 似乎储存了大量资料.记录着过去的每一件事 [01:41.00]But the experiment was a failure. 但是这项实验失败了 [01:46.38]for those who were resurrected only lived through a single day of renewed life 复制人只能存活整整一天 [01:51.83]When the resurrectees fell asleep on the night of their first new day, they died again. 他们在当天晚上入睡之后就会再度死去 [01:58.07]As soon as they became unconscious their very existence faded away into darkness. 他们一旦进入无意识状态.他们的存在就消失在黑暗中 [02:06.00]So you see, David.the equations had shown that once an individual space-time pathway had been used, 这就证明了一点.一个人的时空轨迹使用过了 [02:13.31]it could not be reused. 就不能再被使用了。 [02:17.13]If we bring your mother back now, it will only be for one day, 就算我们把你母亲带回来.她也只能活一天 [02:23.35]and then you will never be able to see her again. 然后你就再也见不到她 [02:28.51]Maybe... Maybe she will be special ...Maybe she will stay 也许...也许她很特别...也许她不会死 [02:40.41]I thought this would be hard for you to understand 我就知道你会难以理解 [02:44.04]You were created to be so young 你的年纪太小了 [02:48.24]Maybe the one day will be like that one day inside the amphibicopter 也许就像我被冰在直升机一样 [02:53.29]Maybe it will last forever. 这一天会成为永恒 [02:57.21]David, you are the enduring memory of the human race. 大卫,你是人类最宝贵的记忆 [03:03.57]The most lasting proof of their genius. 你证明了他们的天才 [03:08.15]We only want for your happiness 我们只想让你快乐 [03:12.51]David.you've had so little of that. 大卫.你这一生都没快乐过 [03:18.29]If you want for my happiness.then you know what you have to do 如果你要我快乐.就该知道怎么做 [03:30.23]Listen.Can you hear that? 听着.你听到了吗? [03:40.02]The new morning has come. 这是崭新的一天 [03:51.50]Go to her, David. 快去找她吧,大卫 [03:56.52]She's just waking up this instant. 她正要醒来.