[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.50]Okay. Would you rather live in the shirt pocket of a sweaty giant, or inside hisshower drain? 你要住在满身大汗的巨人的上衣口袋还是他的排水管里? [00:09.03]Oh my God!Phoebe look, it’s Ross and that girl. 天哪,你看,是Ross和那个女的。 [00:15.52]No! No! Look at that! (drags her away from the window) it’s a line of ants!They’re working as a team! 你看,有一排蚂蚁,他们在同心协力! [00:18.58]Phoebe! (goes back to the window) Phoebe! [00:22.85]Right, oh yeah. Wow, oh, it looks like Ross is breaking up with her. 他们啊,Ross好像要跟她分手了。 [00:27.33]Uff, I hope he lets her down easy. Let’s go. 希望他不要太狠。 [00:28.93]Come on Phoebe, look at that! They are not breaking up, look at them. 你看,他们没有要分手。 [00:32.15]Okay that’s, you know what that is? That is a, that is a second date, that’s what that is! 那只是第二次的约会! [00:36.26]Look at that, she just put her hand on his thigh... 你看,她把手放到他的大腿上… [00:37.99]Oh no! That really is nothing, she is very sexually aggressive. 小意思,她在性方面很主动。 [00:41.14]Ohh! (walking away from the window) Phoebe, this is all your fault! Now heloves her, he’s gonna marry her, and this is all your fault. 天哪,都是你不好,他爱上她了,他会娶她,都是你的错。 [00:47.46]You said it was okay! 你自己说没关系! [00:49.36]You said she was bald!! 你说她是光头!! [00:53.28]Was?! Was-was-was-was-was?!! 以前!以前!!! [00:56.85]Phoebe, we can’t, we just can’t just let it happen! Okay, we have to dosomething! We have to break them up! Okay? 我们得想个办法我们得拆散他们, [01:01.11]Just go in there and like, shave her head! You owe me one bald girl!! 进去帮她剃光头,你欠我一个光头女!! [01:07.12]Okay, first of all, breathe. Second of all, I don’t get it. 你先深呼吸,再来,我实在不懂, [01:12.78]Aren’t you the one that decided that you didn’t want to be with Ross? 不是你决定要跟Ross分手的? [01:15.69]Yes. 是的。 [01:19.40]Well isn’t he your friend? Don’t you want him to be happy? 他不是你的朋友吗?你不希望他快乐吗? [01:25.61]Yes. 是的。 [01:27.41]So? 所以? [01:32.76]I just y'know, I didn’t expect him to be this happy so soon. Ufff. Ooo-ooh! (sitsdown on the curb) 但是我没想到会这么快。