[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.57]Well, yes, it’s kind’ve an unusual house. It has umm, three beautiful bedrooms and ah, no baths. 这个房子不太一样,有三个漂亮的卧房,没有浴室。 [00:08.63]But y'know, the ocean is right there. 但是大海就在旁边。 [00:13.03]Knock, knock, knock. 有人在吗? [00:13.42]Ah, oh, hang on a second. (to Phoebe)Come in, come in. 请等一下…请进。 [00:14.93]All right, so think about it, and call me back.(hangs up) 你考虑完再打给我。 [00:19.94]Are you ah, Phoebe Abott? 你是Phoebe Abott吗? [00:21.09]Ahh, yes. 是的。 [00:22.53]Hi Phoebe Abott, I’m your best friends daughter! 惊喜!我是你的死党的女儿! [00:28.03]You’re Erwin’s daughter?! 你是Erwin的女儿? [00:29.63]No, I-I mean your-your old best friend, here. (hands her the picture) Lily, from high school. Remember? 是以前的死党,你看,高中的Lily,记得吗? [00:35.23]Oh gosh, Lily, yes. Of course I remember Lily. I... Then you must be? 天哪,Lily,我当然记得Lily,那你一定是… [00:42.34]Phoebe. (points to her) Phoebe. Phoebe, yeah. She named me after you I guess. Phoebe,应该是取自你的名字。 [00:47.53]Uh-huh. Wow! Well, look! There’s Frank. 看,是Frank! [00:51.59]Yes!! Yes! Yes! Yes!! That’s my Dad, that’s Frank! Yeah! I’m sorry I’m getting all fling. 对!没错,那是我爸爸Frank,抱歉我这么激动。 [00:57.22]Take it easy--if you want, there’s cookies on the counter, or, or--sangria! (jumps up) I can make sangria! 别激动,那里有饼干,不然我调汽泡酒果汁。 [01:03.53]No-no, sorry. Cookies are good, thanks. 不用,饼干就行了,谢谢。 [01:08.01]Well, so, umm, anyway umm, I’ve been, I’ve been looking for my Father, 总之,我一直在找我爸。 [01:13.01]and umm,have you heard from him, or seen him? 你有他的消息或见过他吗? [01:15.57]Oh no, I-I’m sorry, I guess we lost track of everybody after high school. 没有,对不起,我毕了业就跟大家失去联络。 [01:20.67]Oh, okay. Well, so tell me everything about my parents. Everything. 那就把我父母的事都告诉我。 [01:27.60]Ohh, well. Y'know we were always together, in fact they had a nickname for the three of us. 你也知道,我们总是形影不离,其他人帮我们取了个绰号。 [01:33.55]Oh, what? What was it? 什么绰号? [01:34.77]The three losers. Oh, poor Lily. 俗辣三人行,可怜的Lily。 [01:39.16]Ohh, y'know I-I heard about what happened, that must have been just terrible for you, losing your mother that way. 我听说她的事了,你一定非常难过,就这样失去母亲。 [01:48.05]Yeah, no, it was great. 不会啊,很棒。