[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.60]I’m telling ya, you guys are totally getting back together! 你们肯定要复合了! [00:03.85]That’s not true! Her, she doesn’t even know what she wants! Rachel’s still mad about the whole thing. 她自己都搞不清楚,Rachel还在气那件事。 [00:08.17]Okay, then you gotta back away, all right? You don’t need that kind’ve hurt. 那就打退堂鼓,你不需要受这种伤害, [00:11.91]Take it from a guy who’s never had a long term relationship...... 听我的话,我…从来没跟别人长期交往过。 [00:18.15]I know, but ahhhhhh!! I really wanna go up there and finish that kiss! 我知道,但我真的很想,上楼继续吻她! [00:25.00]You guys, the water’s great. You should really go in. 水好舒服,你们应该去游泳。 [00:27.41]Oh, ahh, no thanks, I just had an M&M. 谢了,我刚吃了M&M。 [00:30.01]Okay, well g’night. 晚安。 [00:32.51]Good night. 晚安。 [00:34.98]Don’t be too long. 早点上来。 [00:35.57]Okey-dokey! 没问题! [00:39.13]There is not one hair on that head. 真是清洁溜溜啊。 [00:41.72]Hey, it’ll grow back, right? And she-she’s really fun, and she’s cool, and-and I’m finally moving on. 头发会长回来,而且她很风趣,很棒,我终于往前走了。 [00:47.92]Y'know? I mean getting over Rachel was so (makes an incoherent nasal sound), y'know? 要忘掉Rachel实在… [00:52.62]Y'know, and I’m finally feeling sane again. And now if I go up there, and-and I kiss her, and, 我终于恢复理智,要是我上楼,吻了她… [00:57.79]Gooood I wanna kiss her, and-and-and it doesn’t work out, right? Do I really wanna put myself through that again? 天哪,我好想吻她。要是失败呢?我真的想再心碎一次吗? [01:04.74]So let me get this straight. 我想问一下。 [01:05.86]If you go with Bonnie tonight, you’re doing the smart, healthy thing and moving on. 选择Bonnie是明智的决定,可以抛开过去。 [01:10.77]Yeah. 是的。 [01:12.01]Right, and you go with Rachel, Bonnie’s free tonight? 对吧?要是选择Rachel,Bonnie今晚就空下来了?